
Upgrade truffle's web3 dependencies

Closed this issue · 1 comments

As of v5.0.0-beta.1, the version of web3-eth-abi is 1.0.0@beta.35, which doesn't support struct types. (It breaks here, the valid solidity types being defined here)

  • fork truffle
  • update web3's web3-eth-abi dependency to 1.0.0@beta.26, which (I think?) supports the ABIEncoderV2
    • on truffle 1.0.0@beta.1, the version of web3-eth-abi is 1.0.0@beta.36
  • hope that nothing else goes wrong?
  • make a PR with the updates to truffle@1.0

Truffle @beta.2 has this upgrade.