Why does ethersjs not expose the contract address until deploy confirmation?
Opened this issue · 2 comments
kerzhner commented
In theory, the contract address is known as soon as the deploy transaction is submitted.
lalexgap commented
This might be due to the fact that we're using generic transaction
s to deploy the contract. It looks like the Contract
API might support this https://docs.ethers.io/ethers.js/html/api-contract.html#deployment
tomclose commented
You can get it with ethers - you just have to work a bit. This is how ethers does it itself:
deploy(...args: Array<any>): Promise<Contract> {
// Get the deployment transaction (with optional overrides)
let tx = this.getDeployTransaction(...args);
// Send the deployment transaction
return this.signer.sendTransaction(tx).then((tx) => {
const contract = new Contract(getContractAddress(tx), this.interface, this.signer);
defineReadOnly(contract, 'deployTransaction', tx);
return contract;
which uses this method from utils:
// http://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/760/how-is-the-address-of-an-ethereum-contract-computed
export function getContractAddress(transaction: { from: string, nonce: Arrayish | BigNumber | number }) {
if (!transaction.from) { throw new Error('missing from address'); }
var nonce = transaction.nonce;
return getAddress('0x' + keccak256(encode([
We should be able to do the same in the transaction-sender