Boot and Optimus (clj-v8) cause `java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError`
Opened this issue · 5 comments
When using Optimus with Boot, I get this error:
clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library /private/var/folders/t2/kbjbdrwd5dzf_hh9gjfnz_b00000gn/T/libv8.dylib.clj-v8 already loaded in another classloader, compiling:(v8/core.clj:36:1)
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library /private/var/folders/t2/kbjbdrwd5dzf_hh9gjfnz_b00000gn/T/libv8.dylib.clj-v8 already loaded in another classloader
How close are we to moving from clj-v8 to Nashorn? Is this fixable before the move?
I know @arbscht has been trying to get a patch into clj-v8 so we can do a smooth transition to Nashorn, instead of breaking compatibility with older Java versions, but it's been quiet on that front for a while. See #14.
Work on moving to Nashorn via JSR-223 is in progress again at #14.
Meanwhile, I'd like to see if this can be fixed in the short-term too. Can you provide steps to reproduce the error? (I'm not familiar enough with Boot just yet.)
Sure thing, @arbscht.
- Install Boot
- Run
boot -d optimus repl
- Run
(require 'optimus.optimizations.minify)
- Run
(require 'optimus.optimizations.minify :reload-all)
↪ boot -d optimus repl
nREPL server started on port 53974 on host - nrepl://
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Clojure 1.7.0
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_20-b26
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boot.user=> (require 'optimus.optimizations.minify)
boot.user=> (require 'optimus.optimizations.minify :reload-all)
clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library /private/var/folders/t2/kbjbdrwd5dzf_hh9gjfnz_b00000gn/T/libv8.dylib.clj-v8 already loaded in another classloader, compiling:(v8/core.clj:36:1)
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library /private/var/folders/t2/kbjbdrwd5dzf_hh9gjfnz_b00000gn/T/libv8.dylib.clj-v8 already loaded in another classloader
@domkm, this looks like a bug in clj-v8. I've proposed a PR at circleci/clj-v8#15. If you can install from source, see if that works for you.
The underlying problem seems to be that native libraries must not be loaded twice in a JVM, but clj-v8 happens to eagerly (re-)load its native objects.
Now, I don't know which is more likely to land first: a new clj-v8 release or a Nashorn-capable Optimus… 😄
+1 has a fixed been applied?