
Request for adjustment to column widths more flexible

Closed this issue · 1 comments

@magnusmanske I appreciate your response to That sounds great.

Now, there is another issue in relation to that.

In my FHD screen environment, the column of “デフォルトソート/Default sort” of the results displayed in so narrow width that a set of strings as items in the column can be collapsed vertically when using PetScan with “デフォルトソート/Default sort” of “ページのメタデータ/Page metadata” on. It’s difficult to read a broken text in Japanese. For instance, Also, for this instance, the column width of “ページ名/Title” appears unnecessarily too wide. I suppose any adjustment to the both of widths more flexible, something like no-wrap style, required.

Best regards, from Japan.

Sorry, it’s the same issue as #91. Please integrate with it.