
Is there a way to make it show only videos?

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I'll rephrase the issue title if there is but think there is no proper/functional way for that and I'd close the issue if it's definitely not feasible to enable this via changes to petscan.

See the WMC discussion here about the deleting Category:WebM videos which had been useful for petscan scans but doesn't contain most (or at least very many) videos.

A workaround is to use the page search to highlight ".webm" so that one can go through all the videos or to use a Videos cat related to the subject (which doesn't always exist and if it does can be very incomplete). A further problem with this and the other approach is that there aren't only webm videos on Wikimedia Commons.

I think if it's not possible one could add a way to filter by mimetype (using "filemime") or via filetype:video" like one can do in the WMC search.

If it is already possible or if it will become possible, please don't make this hard to find and use like by adding some textbox that says "filemime" buried somewhere in page properties but instead a simple well-visible or clear&well-findable thing that says "Video" – for example a dropdown showing when checking "File" in namespaces for Filetype that has "Any" set by default and options "Image" "Video" etc.