
Undefined Method `current_time_from_proper_timezone' Error

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I'm using Ruby 2.6.6 and Rails 4.2.11 and I've got
NoMethodError - undefined method `current_time_from_proper_timezone'
when I updated the version to 3.5.1 from 3.5.0.

It seems that it is related with this commit. (#383)

Is there any way to solve this error?

I'm sorry, but the best answer I have for you is "upgrade your Ruby and Rails." Ruby 2.6 has been end of life for almost two years, and Rails 4.2 for over six years. I support a number of older, end-of-life Ruby and Rails versions, but these are too old. I know that's a pain, but it's worth investing in the upgrade.