
Can you add compiled x86 too into Version 20210923?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi maharmstone,
I just downloaded latest version 20210923 and seems there is compiled only x64 version? Can you please add compiled x86 version too please for users who are unable to compile it?

I have tested current release under XP x64 and ntfs2btrfs.exe must be modded with CFF Explorer to change Major system version from 6 to 5. Then I can run it without problem and no missing depencies.


It would be perfect to have x86 & x64 compiled tool versions in one archive.

Many thanks


I've no desire to include x86 binaries for this, because it's a dead architecture. But I'm confused - if you're running the 64-bit version of Windows XP, why would you want a 32-bit EXE?

Also, I'm fairly sure that that screenshot isn't for my binary, as it doesn't list any of the compression libraries as imports... Did you compile it yourself?