
Could not find enough space to create new chunk. Try clearing a few gigabytes of space, or defragging.

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Yes it's a 2TB drive that's 91% full, but is 174G not enough space to do an "in place" conversion in??

/dev/sdc2 1.9T 1.7T 174G 91% /media/ssd1

And could it not throw this error before it sits there for almost an hour calculating checksums?

It needs contiguous space - I'm guessing you've got lots of part-allocated chunks. What does btrfs fi usage say?

Edit: Disregard that, I was getting confused. Have you got a lot of compressed files?

No, the drive isn't compressed at all... It contains a lot of Steam Games, and some Windows Apps that I really don't care about...

RayJW commented

Were you able to resolve this? I ran into the same issue on a 4 TB drive with over 500 GB of free space, I think that should be enough to convert the drive, no?

See also:
Not sure what is the right answer but for a EXT4 to BTRFS conversion 4% of free space was enough.
So, for my 500 GB NTFS partition i'll try 20 GB.
Once the next test is completed i'll report back.
ETA tomorrow evening :)

There's really no point in logging it with Red Hat, all they're going to do is send it back to me...

Thank you, new issue created: #72

To all interested parties: to me 4% free space was enough to complete the conversion.
But maybe it depends on the type of files stored or other things.