
Change drive letter

ArpO1976 opened this issue · 4 comments

it works. MDADM raid0 created under Devuan 2.1, format as NTFS and Crystal Disk Mark gives me 220MB/sec read and write under Windows 10. Not bad for some old 2TB HHDs :)

Now is there a way I can manually set the drive letter? I guess WinMD just took the first free one.
But I would like to set to another one.


There probably should be some sort of nice interface to do this...

Try going to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\MountedDevices in Regedit, and renaming the relevant DosDevices entry - it should give it the correct letter after you next reboot.

Thanks Mark, it worked!

Just ran into this myself. For those not confident with the registry you can also use Powershell (run as admin). For instance to change it from D to X:

$drive = Get-WmiObject win32_volume -filter 'DriveLetter = "D:"'
$drive.DriveLetter = "X:"
$drive.Put() | out-null

Note for once, you NEED to put the colon (:) in this time (normally with Powershell you don't in my experience)

Great driver by the way, much better than Dynamic Disks or Storage Spaces, way faster. Hope you get chance to flesh it out some more sometime.

Just ran into this myself. For those not confident with the registry you can also use Powershell (run as admin). For instance to change it from D to X:

$drive = Get-WmiObject win32_volume -filter 'DriveLetter = "D:"'
$drive.DriveLetter = "X:"
$drive.Put() | out-null

Note for once, you NEED to put the colon (:) in this time (normally with Powershell you don't in my experience)

Great driver by the way, much better than Dynamic Disks or Storage Spaces, way faster. Hope you get chance to flesh it out some more sometime.

For those who are trying to change the letter without restarting: Unlike the registry tweak, this doesn't require a restart.