
DataStructure, Algorithms and leetcode in golang

Primary LanguageGo

DSA, Leetcode in Golang


https://sebinsua.com/algorithmic-bathwater https://sebinsua.com/assets/posts/algorithmic-bathwater/algorithmic-bathwater-1.svg

79. Word Search

Intuition: Explore all possible path to find a matching work hence backtracking


  1. dfs i, j, word
    1. if word len is 0 return True
    2. if i or j out of boundary or word[0] is neq board[i][j] return false
    3. store board[i][j] in tmp and set board[i][j] to # // so that it can be avoided to revisit
    4. move all four direction for remaining word (word[1:]) and compute the result
    5. reset board[i][j] to original word
    6. return the computed result from all four direction move
  2. call dfs for each row and col of board

2405: Optimal Partition of String

Intuition: map to store the string char, if char already exists in map means with hit a non unique char, increase the count and reset the map


  1. Map to track the unique char, count to track the count, set it to 1
  2. for each char
    1. if char in map, count increment ans reset the map
    2. for all, set char in map with True or index

056 Merge Interval

Intuition: Sort the intervals on first element. For each interval, if last's[1] is less then curr[0] merge the intervals


  1. Sort the intervals on first element
  2. for each interval
    1. if no merge interval in result so far or last interval in result is out of current interval
      1. add into result
    2. else merge interval // edge case - current interval might be within boundary of first interval
  3. return the result

763 Partition Labels

Intuition: store last occurrence index of the char in map and two pointer to find the break points to get the partitions


  1. map to store the last occurrence of the each index in pam
  2. Variables break point, count and result array
  3. for loop till the len of the string
    1. get the last index of char from map
    2. store the max of index and break point in break point //this will help us to find the appropriate break point
    3. count++ for current partition
    4. if index is equal to break point
      1. store count value in result array
      2. reset the count to count next partition
  4. return the result array

50. Pow(x,n)

Intuition: Recursion by multiplying half with half


  1. recursive function
    1. base case, n=0 return 1, n=1 return x
    2. get the tmp value by calling recursive function
    3. result = tmp * tmp
    4. if n is odd, result * x
  2. call recursive function with x and abs n
  3. if n is -ve, return 1/result

153 Find Min in Rotated Sorted Array

Intuition: Binary search


  1. Binary search, take min as +inf
    1. binary search
      1. Update min bases min of min and mid
      2. Move left if right sub-array is not in increasing order (i.e. rotation done at other half)
      3. else move right
    2. return min of left and min

1046 Last Stone Weight

Intuition: Max heap, take first two, if first > second, add the diff in heap again.

Approach: Max heap

  1. Take a max heap, add all the stone weight into them
  2. While heap is gt 1
    1. pop first and second stone weight
    2. if first one > second one
      1. push the diff into the heap
  3. if heap len is one, return the 0th index value from heap
  4. else return 0

152 Maximum Product Sub-array


  1. If array can have at most one negative, we can take same approach as Kadane's Algo in #053 Maximum subarray
  2. When there are more then one negative number in sub-array,
    1. Positive number multiplication with negative number will make it negative
    2. Negative number multiplication with negative number will make it positive
  3. There are two approach
    1. First find the max product via kadane's algo form left to right and then max from right to left
      1. return the max of both
    2. track min and max

Approach #1 : Loop from both side in Kadane algo

  1. Loop from left to right
    1. find currProduct of currMax * n
    2. find max of currProduct and currMax
    3. if currProduct ==0, rest to 1
  2. Loop from right to left and repeat above steps
  3. compare the max of both the loop and return the max

Approach #2 : Track max and min in Kadane algo

  1. track max, min. Initialize it with 1
  2. track result and init with nums[0]
  3. for each number in array
    1. store temp = max // because max will change after calculating the max
    2. calculate max via max(max *n, min *n, n)
    3. calculate min via min(temp * n, min * n, n)
    4. calculate res = max(res, max)
  4. return res

238. Product of Array Except Self

Intuition: at every element, product to array except self will be the product of all the element before that element and product of all the element after that element.

Approach #1

  1. Take three array prefix, postfix and product
  2. To calculate prefix
  3. loop through nums, for each element i
    1. prefix[i] = nums[i-1] * prefix[i-1]
    2. for i==0; prefix[i] = 1 * 1
  4. To calculate postfix
  5. loop through nums from right to left, for each element i
    1. postfix[i] = nums[i+1] * postfix[i+1]
    2. for 1==1 postfix[i]= 1
  6. to calculate product of array except self
  7. loop though nums, for each element i
    1. product[i]=prefix[i] * postfix[i]

053. Maximum Subarray

Intuition: Kadane's Algo

Approach #1: Kadane's Algo

  1. maxSum for storing current max sum so far, sum for storing sum until it become -ve
  2. set maxSum = nums[0], sum=0
  3. For each element in nums
    1. sum+= nums[i]
    2. maxSum = max of maxSum or sum
    3. if sum less then 0
      1. set sum to zero again
  4. return maxSum

To return sub array

  1. start index initially set to zero, and reset startIndex to current index when sum is zero in the start of loop
  2. Sent end index to current index when nex maxSum is found

210. Course Schedule - II

Intuition: Same as course schedule (207), instead of returning the true/false, need to return order of the course schedule via first arranging the course directed graph in adjacency list and then applying topological sort.

Approach #1: Topological sort

  1. Convert into adjacency list course -> list of prerequisite
  2. visited for tracking the course schedule, visiting for cycle in the graph
  3. dfs
    1. if in visited, return True //already processed
    2. if in visiting, return False // cycle detected
    3. visiting = True // on the path to find course without prerequisite
    4. for adj of curr
      1. call dfs, if dfs return False, return False
    5. set visiting to false // path complete and cycle not detected
    6. append in visited //
    7. return True
  4. for all the course
    1. call dfs, if return False, return []
  5. return visited

981. Time Based Key-Value Store

Intuition: Key value store will standard map. Time based values, each key will store list of value along with timestamp. Timestamp are sorted by default which means binary search can apply for target timestamp

Approach #1: Binary search

  1. take a map where key will string and value will be array of array
  2. Set
    1. if key not exist, add key with empty
    2. append the value with timestamp for the key
  3. Get
    1. if key not exist return ""
    2. if key exist, get the values which is array of value and timestamp
    3. apply binary search
      1. if mid less then eq to target
        1. set return value to values[mid].value //Trick to return the nearest less then equal
        2. set l = mid + 1
      2. else
        1. set r = mid - 1
    4. return the return value

269 Alien Dictionary

Intuition: Need to return word order.

  1. Lexicographically sorting work based on first different character i.e. apple, aps; sorting will happen based on p and s as first two character ap is common.
  2. Build a adjacency list where key will be characters and adjacency list will be characters followed by key according to Lexicographically sorting. Apply topological sort on graph to get the ordering

Approach #1: Topological sort via dfs

  1. map to store the ordering
  2. build the adjacency list
    1. for i=0 to len(words)-1
      1. get min length of word[i] and word[i+1]
      2. if word1 less then word2 and word1[:min-length] = word2[:min-length] return blank // not a valid ordering
      3. for j=0 to min-length
        1. if char of both the words not match
          1. char1 will be key and char2 will be added in adjacency list
          2. break //because there is no guarantee that after first non matching char, characters will be in sorted order
  3. for each char key in adjacency list call dfs
    1. if not dfs
      1. return ""
    2. dfs
      1. if in visited return true
      2. if in visiting return false //cycle detected
      3. set visiting true
      4. for each adj of current character
        1. if not dfs
          1. return false
      5. append in visited
      6. set visiting false
      7. return true
  4. return a reverse string join via visited

reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIgisEKjCKA&t=1054s

261: Graph Valid Tree (find it on lint code)

Intuition: Graph is a tree if its is acyclic and connected. Connected means visited node == no of node. Acyclic can be check via DFS (BFS) to check visited with previous node or Union-find by tracking parents node

Note: Can't use topological sort as it work for directed graph

Approach #1: Union find

  1. Take array parent. Index represent the node and value represent the parent. Init each node as its self parent
  2. Take count set to no of nodes
  3. implement find x
    1. if parent[x] != x
      1. return find parent[x]
    2. else
      1. return x
  4. implement union x, y
    1. if parent of x != parent of y
      1. set parent of y = parent of x
      2. decrease count--
  5. Actual code
    1. for each edge
      1. if find x == find y return false //cycle detected because as they have a same parent and if x,y have connection, it will make a cycle
      2. union x, y
  6. return count == 1 //means only one component return true Approach #2: DFS (or BFS)
  7. Visited bool array, preNode to store previous visited node
  8. Run form any node
    1. DFS -> bool
      1. if node is in visited, return false
      2. Add to visited
      3. for each adj node
        1. if adj node == preNode, continue
        2. if dfs is not true return false
      4. return true
  9. if not dfs return true, check for connected by count true in visited and no of nodes

323: Number of connected components (find it on lint code)


  1. Use DFS
  2. Union-find.
    1. Fist union will the build the array of parents
    2. For each node, find the parent and return number of parents

Approach #1: Union-Find

  1. Take array parent where , index represent the node and value represent the parent. To start, each value should be node
  2. Take array rank, index represent the node. init with rank 0 for all the nodes
  3. implement find (x)
    1. if parent[x] != x
      1. parent[x] = find(parent[x]) //path compression
  4. implement union (x, y)
    1. if parent[x] != parent [y]
      1. rank[p1] > rank[p2]
        1. parent[p2] = parent[p1]
      2. rank[p1] < rank[p2]
        1. parent[p1] = parent[p2]
      3. else
        1. parent[p2] = parent[p1]
        2. rank[p1]++
  5. for each edge in edges
    1. run union
  6. for each node, run find and return the unique parents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKKATlgNNqM

class Solution: """ @param n: the number of vertices @param edges: the edges of undirected graph @return: the number of connected components """ def count_components(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]]) -> int: # write your code here parents = [i for i in range(n)] ranks = [0] * 5 component = 5 def find(x): if parents[x] != x : parents[x] = find(parents[x]) return parents[x]

    def union(x, y):
     p1 = parents[x]
     p2 = parents[y]
     if p1 != p2:
        r1 = ranks[x]
        r2 = ranks[y]
        if r1 > r2 :
           parents[p2] = parents[p1]
        else if r2 > r1
           parents[p1] = parents[p2]
           parents[p2] = parents[p1]
     for each edge in edges:
        union(edge[0], edge[1])
     return component

Approach #2: DFS

  1. Build adjacency list from the graph edges
  2. Take visited bool array to the length of count of edges
  3. for each node
    1. if node is not in the visited
      1. increase the count
      2. run dfs
        1. for each adjacency nodes
          1. if adjacency node in not in visited, run dfs

207. Course Schedule


  1. prerequisites = [[1,0]] represent by 0 must be done first (before) and then 1. 0 -> 1. Build a directed graph in adjacency list where for each node, adjacency list will contains all the nodes which are dependent on the node
  2. Run the topological sort and try to detect the cycle. This can be done if node is already in visited

Approach #1 DFS

  1. Build adjacency list
  2. Take visited and visiting bool array with the length of nodes
  3. Visited will hold nodes true for which all the dfs is done
  4. Visiting will hold current dfs path, and if node already added, means found the cycle
  5. for each node, run dfs
    1. if dfs return false, return false
  6. in dfs
    1. if node already in visiting, cycle detected, return false
    2. if node in visited, return true
    3. mark visiting true
    4. for each adjacency node
      1. if not visited, run dfs
    5. mark visited true

417. Pacific Atlantic Water Flow

Intuition: Find water flow towards Pacific and Atlantic separately. Overlapping values are going to flow for both the ocean

Approach #1: dfs

  1. create two bool array for visited track (one for pacific and another for atlantic) of array of the same size as heights array
  2. dfs function which take four parameters heights, curr pair, previous pair, visited
  3. Traverse top row & bottom row, call dfs by passing pacific and atlantic
  4. Traverse left row & right row, call dfs by passing pacific and atlantic
  5. find common true from pacific and atlantic array and return

695. Max Area of Island

Intuition: Same a Number of island (#200) , here we have to count the individual land in a single island and return the max count

Approach #1: BFS

  1. for each element of grid i and j
    1. if grid[i][j] equal to 1
      1. adding i, j pair into the queue, set grid[i][j] to zero as a visited, increase the currIsLandArea to 1
      2. for queue is empty
        1. pop the pair, for each offset [[-1,0], [1,0], [0,-1], [0,1]] check if new pair in boundary and 1
        2. adding new pair into the queue, set grid[i][j] to zero as a visited, increase the currIsLandArea to 1
      3. compare the maxArea
  2. return maxArea

Approach #2: DFS

  1. for each element of grid i and j
    1. if grid[i][j] equal to 1
      1. run dfs(grid, curr[i, j]) which will return the area
        1. for each offset [[-1,0], [1,0], [0,-1], [0,1]] check if new pair in boundary and 1
          1. set grid[i][j] to zero as a visited, increase the currIsLandArea with recursive dfs return
        2. return currIsLandArea
      2. compare the maxArea

133. Clone Graph

Intuition: Use DFS to traversal the nodes, if node already visited in map - copy its neighbor else do the dfs

  1. take a array (check constrain for size). Create first clone node and add it to Val index in array
  2. Call dfs dfs(node, cloned)
    1. for each neighbor of node
      1. if neighbor node is not in cloned array
        1. create a clone node of neighbor, put clone node into array with index of Val
        2. run the dfs on neighbor node dfs(neighbor, cloned)
      2. (no else) get the cloned node from cloned array via curr_node's Val, get cloned neighbor node valve from cloned array via neighbor node's Val and append to cloned node's neighbor

Mistakes //Didn't notice constrains which says 1 <= Node.val <= 100 this reduce the need to creating map, it can done via array of 101 size // if cloned node in not in clone array, add into that. There is no need to else statement, adding neighbor for all //Naming mistakes // range on slice, first return is index, second is stored value

Approach #2 BFS

  1. Take a clone node and array of 101 len (check constrain), node which are cloned keep adding into the array on Val index
  2. Add visited node into the queue, run unit queue is empty
    1. pop for queue
    2. for each neighbor
      1. if neighbor is not in array, add it neighbor into array, adding into queue
      2. (no else, for all) get the cloned neighbor from array and adding to cloned curr node (find in array by currNode.Val)

200. Number of Islands

Intuition: traversal of lands (1s) in DFS of BFS

Approach #1: DFS

  1. Two inner loop to traversal the matrix
  2. If value is 1 call DFS function and increase the count of landCount = landCount+1
  3. call dfs(i, j)
    1. check for i and j are within boundary of grid along with if grid[i][j] is 1 else return (base case for recursive dfs call)
    2. mark grid[i][j] to 0 means visited
    3. now move to all four direction recursively
    4. dfs(i-1, j), dfs(i, j-1), dfs(i+1, j), dfs(i, j+1)
  4. return landCount

Mistakes //modifying grid, pass as a pointer //when try to change or get (len or value) dereference (*grid)[i][j]==1 //Pass grid to recursive function, pass as it is //byte use '' instead of ""

Approach #2: BFS

  1. Two inner loop to traversal the matrix
  2. If value is 1, increase landCount by 1
  3. add i and j pair into queue
  4. Mark visited by setting grid[i][j]=0
  5. while queue is empty
    1. dqueue pair i, j from queue
    2. change i and j to travel in all four direction
    3. check if they are in boundary of grid and value is 1
      1. add into the queue
      2. Mark visited by setting grid[i][j]=0
  6. return land count

78. Subsets

  1. Intuition: Need to find all possible subset (super-set/the power set), backtracking
  2. if start index >= len(nums) : add path into result and return
  3. Choice : all the numbers in the unique array
  4. Choose : add one element at a time on path (this can be done by in recursive call by current choice index + 1 )
  5. Explore : recursive cal on above choose and next choice
  6. Un-choose : remove the chosen element from path
  7. Explore : recursive cal for next choice

39. Combination Sum

Need to find all possible combination of given target where numbers can be repetitive

  1. Intuition: Need to find all combination - hence backtracking.
    1. Same as 78. Subset with once change, instead of choosing new number each time, chose same number until,
  2. if start index >= len(nums) and target == sum of path: add path into result and return
  3. if index >= len(nums) OR target > sum of path: return, it means that path does't contains the sum
  4. Choice: all the numbers
  5. Choose: One element until either target == sum of path
  6. Explore: recursive call for same start point
  7. Un-choose: remove the added element from path
  8. Explore: recursive call on next number

215. Kth Largest Element in an Array

  1. Intuition #1: Kth largest, means a min heap of len k which contains elements greater then kth. This can be done as same in #703
  2. Intuition #2: Sorting and heap solution will give n*log(n) time complexity. This can be done in n time complexity via quick select
  3. Quick select: to find kth smallest element.
    1. Need to find largest k, so update k = len of array - k //imp
    2. Partition: Goal, place random chosen pivot element to its true index
    3. if k is greater then pivot index, run quick select on left portion of partition else on right partition
    4. if kth value is equal to pivot, found the kth smallest element
    5. Partition logic
      1. take a random pivot and place it at right side of array by swap
      2. take a variable pivotLessElementsTailIndex and set to zero. This variable indicate all the element left to this are less then pivot.
      3. Loop through the array
        1. check if current index element is less then pivot, it means this element must be left side of pivotLessElementsTailIndex.
        2. swap current index element with pivotLessElementsTailIndex and pivotLessElementsTailIndex increment by 1.
      4. Once loop ends, swap pivotLessElementsTailIndex and right most element. This step will place pivot at right index where all the less then pivot are left and greater then are on right
      5. return the pivot index
    6. Imp Quick select can be implement as a recursive as well as iterative

973. K Closest Points to Origin

  1. Intuition: Need to find closest point, so max heap of distance of length k. After push, if len of heap is greater than k, pop the max. This will make sure heap will have kth smallest distance
  2. Max heap of points
  3. Less func should calculate the distance and compare
  4. add points one by one and check the the len of heap
  5. if len of heap is greater then k, pop (which will pop the max distance point so far)
  6. return the heap

1046. Last Stone Weight

  1. Intuition: max heap, and while len(heap) >1, keep pop two item and push the diff

703. Kth Largest Element in a Stream

  1. Intuition: min heap with length k with only contains elements of largest then kth. Pop the kth largest element
  2. Stream require heap for find the min or max element as with every insert of new element, require to pull the min/max on top of the tree
  3. create a type named intHeap of []int
  4. implement min heap functions on intHeap
  5. Because kth largest element need to find, min heap need to implement of k length
  6. if len(inHeap) is less than k, push to the heap
  7. Else if element is greater than min element, pop, and push
  8. Else ignore

Heap in Go

  1. Heap will be visually represent via tree

  2. Heap will be stored via array

    100 /
    19 36 /\ /
    17 3 25 1 /
    2 7

[100, 19, 36, 17, 3,25, 1, 2, 7] 3. Heap in go require to implement container/heap interface 4. container/heap have following func which need to implement

  1. Len() int on value receiver
  2. Less(i, j int) bool on value receiver
  3. Swap(i, j int) on value receiver
  4. Push(x interface{}) on pointer receiver
  5. Pop() interface{} on pointer receiver
  6. heap need to init by heap.Init()
  7. Push and pop will be done via heap.Push and heap.Pop

211. Design Add and Search Words Data Structure

  1. Add word will be standard trie add

  2. Search, need to modify search:

    1. for . char, recursive search happen for all the children
    2. dfs curr node and index
      1. exit recursive when index == len of word
      2. if word[index] is .
        1. for each node in curr node children
          1. call dfs for child node and index+1
            1. return true if above true
      3. if word[index] is in curr node's children
        1. return dfs for child node at curr node's children for word[index]
      4. return false
    3. call dfs in search for root node and index 0
  3. Add word will be standard trie add

  4. Search, need to support . as match all

    1. For each char in word
      1. if char is .
        1. Need to search recursive for all all available child nodes for remaining characters from word
        2. if any of the search found the remaining element return true
        3. Return false if loop ends without returning the true
      2. else run standard search

1804 Implement Trie -II

  1. Raw implementation will be same as regular trie
  2. Trie struct will have additional filed name CountWord, CountStartWith
  3. When inserting the word into the trie, update CountStartWith for each character insert
  4. Once each character is added into the trie, update the CountWord
  5. While search, return appropriate count if word pr prefix exist

208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)

Refer to DSA/trie

Recursive Sorting

This is not going to most optimized solution for sorting, but help in understanding the sorting Given a nums array of unsorted, function should return the sorted array

  1. Base case: array with single element will be sorted
  2. Input reduction: Run the sort function recursive for n-1 length array, before that store nth element
  3. Actual job: Insert the nth element in n-1 length array which is sorted on step 2
    1. To insert either can be done via iterative or recursive
    2. Insert element function
      1. base case: array with 0 element or last element > insert candidate
        1. insert element
      2. Input reduction insert n-1, n
      3. Add value at the end of array

572. Subtree of Another Tree

Approach #1: Recursive DFS

  1. if tree and sub-tree is null, return true
  2. if one of the them is null, return false
  3. Use the #100 Same tree function
  4. if isSame on root and sub-root is true return true
  5. Else
    1. return isSubTree(root.left, subtree) OR isSubTree(root.left, subtree) // if one of the true, we are good

100. Same Tree

Approach #1: Recursive DFS

  1. if both the root are null return true
  2. if one of the root is null return false
  3. base case p.root.val == q.root.val
    1. return isSame(left of p & q) && isSame(right of p & q) //both side need to be true

110. Balance of Binary Tree

Approach #1: Recursive DFS

  1. Find depth/heigh of left and right sub tree
  2. Abs diff must greater than 1 return false
  3. Find depth/height
    1. find the left depth/height
    2. fine the right depth/height
    3. return max of (left depth or right depth)+ 1

543. Diameter of Binary Tree

Approach #1: Recursive DFS

  1. Its based on finding the depth/height of the binary tree
  2. Diameter of binary tree will depth of left sub-tree + depth of right sub-tree
  3. maxDepth out side of recursive depth function
  4. find depth recursive by
    1. find the left depth
    2. find the right depth
    3. sum left depth and right depth
    4. compare with maxDepth and change the maxDepth accordingly //trick
    5. return depth/heigh max of (left or right) + 1 //trick adding 1 include the current root node

104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree

Approach #1 Recursive DFS

  1. Base exit case if root is nil, return 0 as a height
  2. Start from root, calculate the heigh of left sub-tree and the right sub-tree
  3. take the max of heights and add 1
  4. repeat the process

Approach #2 Iterative BFS

  1. Use queue, add root, sel level 0
  2. Iterative till len(queue) > 0
    1. Iterative for len of the current queue - trick, store len in tmp variable and run loop till the tmp len
      1. deque from top, if left node is not null, add in the queue and same for right node
    2. increase the level
  3. return the level

Approach #3 Iterative BFS using stack

  1. Use stack, add root
  2. use map to maintain the level, add key as root and value a level =1
  3. take maxLevel = 1
  4. Iterative till len(stack) >0
    1. pop all the top node from stack
    2. Get the level of the node for map
      1. if pop-node.left != nil add into the stack and map with level+1
      2. if pop-node.right != nil add into the stack and map with level+1
    3. check id level > maxLevel, set maxLevel = level
  5. return maxLevel

226. Invert Binary Tree

Approach #1

  1. Check the exit case if root == nil
  2. Store the root's right on the temp
  3. set right = left and left = temp
  4. run above recursive for root.right and root.left

9. Remove Nth Node From End of List

Approach #1: reverse, delete, reverse

  1. Reverse the lined list
  2. Reach to the node just before that, and use tmp variable to store the next.next node
  3. set node.next to tmp variable

Approach #2: Two pointer

  1. Take a dummy node and add list to that (or use the prev pointer, start will null)
  2. First pointer at dummy node, second pointer at n distance further from head (not form dummy node) , means n+1 node. means offset between these pointer must be equal to n
  3. Move both the pointers one step at a time
  4. Once second, pointer reach to the null, it means first pointer is just before the node which need to be removed
  5. remove the node by setting


  1. Not assigning dummy.next to head. Confused with merged two list where dummy list start with dummy.next= null as add item one by one.

143. Reorder List

  1. Find middle by using slow and fast pointer. Slow.next will be the head of second list
  2. Store Slow.next and set slow.next to null to split the fist and second list
  3. Reverse the second list, prev pointer become the new head
  4. merge these two list until second list become null because in case of odd length, second list become shorter
    1. to merge, first store the next node of fist and second in temp
    2. set fist.next to second
    3. second.next to temp1
    4. move the fist and second list by setting with temp

141. Linked List Cycle

Approach #1: Brute force

  1. Use hash table and store address of the node/value as a key
  2. if found again, its cyclic

Approach #2 : slow and fast pointer

  1. Take a two pointer slow, fast and set to list
  2. loop through until list == null && slow and fast pointer is null
    1. move slow to next list item and fast to next of next
    2. compare the slow and fast, if equal, return true
  3. return false


  1. Making mistake by not checking slowPointer.Next != nil && fastPointer.Next != nil && fastPointer.Next.Next != nil

21. Merge Two Sorted Lists

Approach #1

  1. Note: list is sorted, unequal list
  2. Take a dummy list with {Val:-1, Next: null}.
  3. Assign it to tail //trick, this will help in moving tail in the loop
  4. Loop both the list until one of them reach to null
  5. Compare the value and the smaller one should be added in the tail and tail need to move to next
  6. Once loop end, check the not null list and append on the tail
  7. return dummy.next //trick: not tail as tail now point to last node


  1. Not using tail, this make dummy list reach to last node so not sure how to return the new list
  2. dummy := &ListNode{Val: -1, Next: nil}

206. Reverse Linked List

Approach #1 : iterative

  1. have three pointers, prev, curr and next
  2. loop through until curr == null // making mistake of curr.next == null while coding
    1. set next = curr.next //otherwise you will lose the next ref
    2. set curr.next = prev
    3. set prev = curr
    4. set curr = next


  1. var prev *ListNode = nil

424. Longest Repeating Character Replacement

Approach #1

  1. Given an string, sub string need to find of dynamic length - sliding window
  2. l,r = 0, map to track the frequency of the english chars, maxLength to track the max length
  3. add char in map or if already exist, increment the count, increase the maxLength
  4. find the max frequency char from map and apply following formula maxlength - maxFrequency <= k (*it is not same as maxlength - maxFrequency -k < 0. It will lead to *)
  5. if maxlength - maxFrequency <= k is true, keep repeating above steps
  6. if false, reduce the frequency of s[l], move l = l+1

Approach #2

  1. Using binary search

121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

Approach #1

  1. l & r = 1, maxDiff = 0
  2. for r < len(prices)
  3. if prices[r] < prices[l], l need to shift to new index l=r
  4. else max of maxDiff and prices[r] - prices[l]
  5. r = r+1

3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

Approach #1

  1. l & r to track the window, set l = 0 , r = 0, run the while loop r < len(s)
  2. map to track chars index, key=char, value=index & maxLength to track the max length
  3. loop r<len(s)
    1. if s[r] not exist in map, take max of maxLength and r-l+1
    2. else (its seen ), and seen index pos is >=l (it means seen already outside of current window on the left side) change the l to seen-index +1
    3. update char index to r

33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array

Approach #1

  1. In rotated sorted array, if split from mid, at least one side will be increasing order. This indicate rotation happen on other side.
  2. find the min element index (while l<r) , this can be done via checking which side is non increasing
  3. Once min element index found, run the binay search for for both soid find the target element

Approach #2

  1. Same as above but searching can be happen at the same time
  2. while checking increasing order side, we can also check which side target possible can be by checking target in between, and change the left or right index accordingly
  3. Once l>r condition break, check the target value in nums[l]==traget else return -1


  1. miss the target condition
  2. miss the loop will break and need to check with nums[l]

74. Search a 2D Matrix

m: number of rows n: number of column

Approach #1

  1. upper bond i>0, i<m, j>0, j<n
  2. Start with top right matrix[0][n-1] (consider it as mid in binary search)
  3. if it is greater then target, it can't be in the next row, move to the previous column
  4. if it is less then target, move to next row
  5. do this until upper bound reached


  1. missing the case for [[1]],1. condition was j>0; but it should be j>=0

Approach #2

  1. Binary search on rows to find probable row index
  2. if target > mid row last element; change change the top
  3. if target < mid row fist element; change the bottom
  4. Otherwise you are on the probable row; break the loop
  5. if top > bottom means, not found. (if value greater-then last element of the 2D array or less-then fist element of the array)
  6. Binary search on the the elements of the row

Complexity = log(m) + log(n)


  1. Edge case where top become greater then bot and while searching for the candidate row and exiting the loop

Approach #3 Alternative to above approach: convert matrix into array and vise versa

A n * m matrix converted into an array: matrix[x][y] : a[x * m + y] An array can be converted into n * m matrix: a[x] : matrix[x / m][x % m]

0744 Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target

  1. Assume first element is smallest greater then target
  2. Binary search with change if mid element > target, update the assumption to mid element
  3. Once mid element == target, return the mid+1 element
  4. return the latest assumption


  1. missing the edge case when mid reached to end of the array


  • Find mid element
mid = l + (r-l)/2

Sliding window

  • Fixed window : sub array or sub string and find sum or length as a max or min
  • Dynamic window : given condition min diff, max diff, sum, length etc, but find the sub array or sub string

Sliding window vs two pointer

  • Two pointer usually compare two values at the two pointers instead of all the element between the pointers
  • Sliding window for sub-array, two pointers a way to process pairs