Simple Food Ordering App:

  • A simple food ordering system in which you can use it to order the food that you want to eat!
  • The app is built on Laravel and Laragine

Here is an example email that's being sent when any ingredients reaches certain level in the stock:



if I was to spend additional time on the project I would do the following:

  • Use Docker
  • Use Kubernetes
  • Make the uom_converter helper function (core/Inventory/helpers.php) more scalable as it's currently coupled to 2 units (g & kg)
  • Handle unforeseen circumferences, ex: what about creating an order that should have ingredients that have more quantity than the ingredients in the stock ?

Getting started:

  • You do not have a .env file in the project root directory so copy .env.example and save it as .env
  • In .env file update the database info and the other credentials like API_KEY, LOG_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL and MERCHANT_EMAIL (used to send the alerting emails to)
  • Open the terminal and navigate to the project directory and run composer install
  • Generate the application key using php artisan key:generate
  • Create the database tables by running php artisan migrate --seed
  • You will need to keep the queue running in the background, so this command needs to be always running php artisan queue:work

Testing & Development

Here is the quality of the code measured by SonarQube:


  • You can run SonarQube by copying and saving it as and then update all the info, and after that you can run the following:
  • You can run the tests by running php artisan test (UI friendly) or vendor/bin/phpunit

  • You can check out the API docs from here: API Documentation