
Relationship to vinta/awesome-python?

eliotb opened this issue · 2 comments

It is not clear to me how if at all this list is related to the very similarly named

The APA is neither a derivative nor a successor to awesome-python. In fact, awesome-python already has a doppelganger (which also happens to be bigger, if less filtered), so it certainly doesn't need another.

@vinta's awesome-python is mostly libraries or frameworks (with a few tools) for developer usage. The APA list is all applications, for developer reference. I like to think they go hand-in-hand; most of the applications on the awesome-python-applications list use some combination of the libraries/frameworks on the awesome-python list.

I knew this would come up eventually so other comparisons can be found here. Hope this helps!

Closing for now, let me know if I need to clarify more. Thanks for the question!