
Add project: Docker Compose

Fazel94 opened this issue · 2 comments

Basic info

Application name: Docker Compose
Application repo link:
Application home link:
Application description: Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a Compose file to configure your application's services.


There are a ton of great Python projects out there, but what makes an
application "Awesome™"? Please check that all of the following criteria apply:

  • Free software with an online source repository.
  • Using Python for a considerable part of their functionality.
  • Well-known, or at least prominently used in an identifiable niche.
  • Maintained or otherwise demonstrably still functional on relevant platforms.
  • An application, not a library or framework.

Note that installability via pip/PyPI and a developer-audience focus
may warrant a higher standard for inclusion, in keeping with the
spirit of the list:

Additional notability info

A lot of people use compose to test their multi-container docker setups easily.
It is installed by default when you install docker.
20.9K GitHub stars and 3.4K forks.

Docker Compose has given me so many headaches over the years that the elision was a bit more than an oversight. But, you're right, it really does fit the bill, so onto the list it goes. Thanks!

I have a similar view, In my experience, most of the docker-related tools especially compose suffer from convenience issues, and the dev team actively refuses to address a lot of problems while adding features that are in the line of Cloudgasms.