
Error when I make SNIPER-mxnet

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HI. Thanks for this wonderful SNIPER.

I wanted to train SNIPER using my own dataset and to do that I first had to do the installation following the guide you've mentioned.
make -j 8 USE_CUDA_PATH=/usr/local/cuda
but it says that :
Screenshot from 2019-04-17 14-59-02

  1. configuration:
    Ubuntu 18.0.4
    CUDA 10.0 with associated cUDNN

  2. I'm a mxnet novice. I had install openBLAS, mxnet by using the following command:
    sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev
    pip install mxnet-cu100

Kindly help me..
I am stuck on this for very long time.

Did you solved? I'm having the same issue.