
Upload directory doesn't always work

Opened this issue · 3 comments

krekc commented

So I have two safe sites. One with 2 files (~4MB) and one with 4 files (~25MB).

I can upload the one with 2 files using the 'Upload directory' option. If I try the same with the one with 4 files it doesn't do anything after selecting the directory. I then have to upload each of the 4 files individually. No error message is shown, but it obviously runs in to some problem uploading preventing the upload of the folder with 4 files in it.

If needed I can supply the files, just let me know.

@krekc, we will try to reproduce the issue at our end. If we are not able to reproduce then we will get the files from you via PM in the forum. Thanks!

Hi @krekc, we are not able to reproduce the issue at our end. It will be helpful if you could share more information like on which platform, arch, etc you tried on. Also will be good if you could supply the files.

krekc commented

I just reproduced the issue with my website folder. I am using Windows 10 PRO (Dutch Language version). I've figured out the issue is the movie file in the folder. If I remove it and then try to upload the folder it uploads just fine. Perhaps the total size of the folder including the movie file is higher than the maximum size for one file?