
Position of Subline numbers in footnotes

arthurali opened this issue · 24 comments


Package: reledmac 2021/11/03 v2.38.2 typesetting critical editions

TeX Engine

LuaHBTeX, Version 1.13.0 (TeX Live 2021/W32TeX) (format=lualatex 2022.1.3) 4 JAN 2022 13:16


Hi Maieul!
I am editing a typescript, with handwritten comments on the sides. These comments are typeset according to their vertical position (t. i. a little below the lines of the typescript, for example) and are explained in the footnotes. I want to reference them as sublines although the subline numbers are not printed in the main text, but only in the footnotes. I use Xboxstartlinenum and Xboxendlinenum so the linenumbers are right-aligned but range symbols and range seperators with endnumbers extend rightward into the space between number and lemma. Now, referencing a subline number alters this scheme and the digits are moved to the left, whereas the subline symbol (alphabetic, in my case) is positioned at the far right of the linebox.
As you can see in the results of the MWE below this looks very unorderly. So, I was wondering if there is any way to make the subline symbol (or digit, if that's the case) extend into the space between number and lemma as do the mentioned range symbols etc. whithout moving the digits of line number. I couldn't find it in the handbook.
Many thanks!

Minimal Working Example




\firstlinenum{0} \linenumincrement{1}










\pstart Head: Subline number position\pend\vspace{0.75em}
\pstart\leftskip=0cm\edtext{\raisebox{-.25\baselineskip}[\ht\strutbox]{\parbox{2,6cm} {\small\textit{Hand-}}}This text was written using an old school typewriter. Only line\linebreak\raisebox{-.25\baselineskip}[\ht\strutbox]{\parbox{2,6cm} {\small\textit{written}}}numbers of this text are printed in the margin of the main sec-\linebreak
\raisebox{-.25\baselineskip}[\ht\strutbox]{\parbox{2,6cm} {\small\textit{Addition}}}}{\lemma{\textit{Handwritten Addition}}\linenum{||1|||1}\Afootnote{added manually}}tion of this page. Therefore, subline numbers are only printed in\linebreak\parbox{2,6cm}{{\ }}the footnotes.\pend \vspace{0.4em}\pstart There is no subline seperator, only a \edtext{symbol}{\lemma{symbol}\Afootnote{typewritten correction of: sombyl}} attached without spacing to the full line number ("1a", e.g.). This symbol should not alter the position of the (sub-)line number, that is the digits should remain exactly above (and/or below) the digits of \edtext{footnotes}{\lemma{footnotes}\Afootnote{handwritten correction of: rootnotes}} refering to full lines (contrary to what it looks now). That means that a subline number in the footnotes should extend into the space between the numbers and the lemma, similar to what a range symbol like "f." or a dash followed by an endnumber do, when Xboxstartlinenum and Xboxendlinenum are enabled. \pend\vspace{0.4em}\pstart\rightskip=0cm There is yet another paragraph where alterations occur, \edtext{too}{\lemma{too}\Afootnote{typewritten correction of: two}}, so \edtext{\raisebox{.5\baselineskip}[\ht\strutbox]{\parbox{1cm} {\small{[?]}}}}{\lemma{[?]}\linenum{||1|||1}\Afootnote{unidentified handwritten addition}}\linebreak there will be footnotes in full lines and sublines for two-digit-\parbox{1cm}{{\ }}\linebreak lines as well.



I read three times your explanation, and I am no sure I understand well. But I guess that you could disable


to get well aligned numbers

Dear Maieul,
Thank you very much for responding!
I am sorry I couldn't make myself clear. Maybe it becomes clearer when I explain the MWE, or more precisely its result:
If you look at it, you see that the linenumber of footnote #1 begins more to the left than the one of footnote #2, the subline symbol "a" being exactly above the "6", like this:

2a-9a lemma
6 lemma

I want "2" and "6" to be exactly above resp. below each other, like this:

2a-9a lemma
6 lemma

I want the line numbers (or more precisely: the digits of the numbers) to be right-aligned. That is why I use \xboxstartlinenum and \xboxendlinenum, of course. If I disable these commands the numbers are left-aligned. In the above described exemple, the left alignement works as the numbers are one-digit only. But if a linenumber has more digits there is a difference between the result of disableing the mentioned commands and the way I want it to be. Now it looks like this:

2a-9a lemma
6 lemma
9f. lemma
15 lemma
15a lemma

Disabeling the mentioned commands would result in this:
2a-9a lemma
6 lemma
9f. lemma
15 lemma
15a lemma

I want it to look like this, that is: digits are right-aligned, subline symbols should extend rightward as do already range symbols like "f." as well as "-" together with endnumbers.

2a-9a lemma
6 lemma
9f. lemma
15 lemma
15a lemma

I hope I could explain better this time. I would greatly appreciate it if you have any suggestions as to how to solve the problem!

please, provide a PDF example with the expected result... I it still unclear for me...

Oh, my bad, I didn't remember that alignment would disapear, when I submit the comment. I tried to make it better distinguishable in the pdf attached

Could you confirm that the enclosed file get the correct result (I changed scrbook to book, because my regression file work mainly with book) ?


It should be easy to implement (in reality, that mean we boxe only the page and line number, not the whole number including subline number). But I have no idea for a hook name.

Dear Maieul! Yes, this is exactly as it should look!

well, find a name for the hook, and I will add it.


I see. But should it refer to the sublinenumber-thing or be more general? I ask, because the command for rangesymbols like "f.", which basically does the same (put them outside the linenum-box, wright?) refers to the fact, that there is a range of lines.

Well, with this option enabled, are boxed :

  • line number annotation if before line number
  • page and line number
  • line flag
    Without this option (which is default), we also have :
  • line number annotatiin if after line number
  • subline number

so, maybe: \xafterlinenumbox?

\Xnotboxingsubline ?

That sounds adequate

So, please try the branch issue931.

And also do feedback about the handbook change, on d395956

Hi Maieul, I think the handbook description is just fine. Unfortunately I wasn't able to test the branch. Probably I didn't do it right: I downloaded the file "reledmac.dtx" and tried to generate a new .sty-file but it did not work.

you need to run the .ins file to tge the new .sty file

That is what I did: I downloaded the new "reledmac.dtx", moved it to reledmac-folder and ran the ins.-file.

which distribution do you use ?


that is very strange. I am not an expert on this matter. Maybe you could ask on stackexchange. Anyway, you will get the .sty file enclosed.

It works perfectly! Thank you so much!

It is sent to CTAN.

Thanks again!