Unresolved reference 'bot'
HellFinger-s opened this issue · 3 comments
HellFinger-s commented
Hi, i istalled this library first by git clone and setup, but terminal wrote: no module named steptools. I install pip and go sudo apt install python-pip. There is no errors. So when i copypast code from official bot api webcite i get this error in pycharm: Unresolved reference 'bot'
How can i solve this problem?
majestic1488 commented
I have the same problem
sergey-gladkow commented
Hey, guys! Thanks for asking. I recommend you use a virtual environment.
python3 -m venv my_env_3
source my_env_3/bin/activate
pip install mailru-im-bot
It'll help you manage package dependency conflicts.
difhel commented
Also you can install this library using
pip3 install mailru-im-bot