
nice to have: accept multiple commands in one line, or a "implicitly list after every command" mode

glycerine opened this issue · 0 comments

I find my self stepping through code with the following key press sequence

n <enter> l <enter>
n <enter> l <enter>
n <enter> l <enter>
n <enter> l <enter>


It would be a nice usability feature to be able issue two commands in a row on one line, e.g. "n l" at once to step to the next line and then view the listing of where I am at, so that subsequently I could just press enter to step and view where I am in one press of .

n l <enter>

Alternatively it could be very nice just to have "listing on" mode, where there is an implicit l (list) command issued after every other command. This would be nice when mixing 'n' and 's' and 'f' ('f' is not yet available, I know :).