Template Variables Are Individually Stringified Instead Of The Struct
kevineaton opened this issue · 1 comments
I am trying to use the Mailgun-provided specific templates and attach data. However, the values are being all individually coerced into strings rather than the entire data set being stringified as a JSON object. This causes oddities, such as the inability to use {{#each}} on a data set (since the key is a string and the server is not seemingly trying to parse the JSON for each individual variable. For example, the following curl works just fine:
curl -s --user 'api:MY_KEY'
-F from='Mailgun Sandbox <postmaster@mail.domain.com>'
-F to='Kevin Eaton <myemail>'
-F subject='Test'
-F template='school_warnings'
-F h:X-Mailgun-Variables='{"test": "test", "hasAlerts": true, "alerts": [{"subject": "test",
"body":"test", "level": "warning"}]}'
This Mailgun logs show this snippet for user variables:
"user-variables": {
"test": "test",
"alerts": [
"body": "test",
"subject": "test",
"level": "warning"
"hasAlerts": "true"
However, due to the use of a map[string]string
for message.variables, and the coercion in messages.go AddVariable, the value is coerced into a a string. Here is some sample code to send a message:
func SendMailExample() {
myDomain := "snip"
from := "snip"
privateKey := "snip"
to := "snip"
// setup a new mailgun connection
mg := mailgun.NewMailgun(myDomain, privateKey)
message := mg.NewMessage(
"This is a Sample Email",
variables := map[string]interface{}{
"hasAlerts": true,
"alerts": []map[string]string{
"level": "Warning",
"subject": "Test 1",
"body": "This is a test of an embedded warning",
"level": "Alert",
"subject": "Test 2",
"body": "This is a test of an embedded alert",
for k, v := range variables {
message.AddVariable(k, v)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*10)
defer cancel()
mg.Send(ctx, message)
The Mailgun logs show the following for user variables:
"user-variables": {
"alerts": "[{\"body\":\"This is a test of an embedded warning\",\"level\":\"Warning\",\"subject\":\"Test 1\"},{\"body\":\"This is a test of an embedded alert\",\"level\":\"Alert\",\"subject\":\"Test 2\"}]",
"hasAlerts": "true"
which of course, Handlebars cannot parse as individual iterations using {{#each alerts}}. Also notice the the boolean for hasAlerts has been coerced into a string.
Am I missing something? Is there a way to send up embedded arrays? Could we change the message variables to be a map[string]interface{} and then JSON.marshal the entire variables struct into a string for the server?
I don't mind opening a PR to do it, but not quite sure the ramifications otherwise and if it would be something better approached some other way.