
Inconsistency: the eigenvalues generated by Openmx code and TB2J-OpenMX

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houzf commented

When I used "TB2J-OpenMX/TB2J_OpenMX/" to obtain the eigenvalues of a given k-point for the case of spin-orbit coupling calculations, I found that the eigenvalues obtained by TB2J-Openmx do not seem to be exactly equal to those obtained by Openmx code. TB2J-Openmx can work well for both the collinear and noncollinear cases.

For the example of "SrMnO3_FM_SOC":

k1= -0.41667 k2= -0.41667 k3= -0.41666
#band_index openmx_output TB2J-Opemx
1 -3.36190765415304 -3.361907667786186
2 -3.23140562557682 -3.231405644925162
3 -2.22902420861756 -2.228890673650604
4 -2.21444725079230 -2.215191732896975
5 -2.19501901702534 -2.195019050505414
6 -2.09419717272430 -2.094376973121326
7 -2.07974707772342 -2.080846583352733
8 -2.06773924016769 -2.067739250912386
9 -1.53490992796813 -1.534910354359798
10 -1.53464457466509 -1.534644719311316
11 -0.97657324061658 -0.977773083749660
12 -0.97415093549122 -0.974392952696173
13 -0.96902940696838 -0.969455363568774
14 -0.96853085804130 -0.968614391418724
15 -0.96642637880680 -0.966618152983887
16 -0.96588863049486 -0.966060411550144
17 -0.91192682008785 -0.925599823965553
18 -0.91154921990118 -0.924917820854717
19 -0.87583855698854 -0.890634411180473
20 -0.87512028165428 -0.885611349751454
21 -0.87216255246841 -0.874020166374503
22 -0.87148260939178 -0.872805132913553
23 -0.58248102861994 -0.582529609209740
24 -0.57563853391455 -0.575644305987460
25 -0.56740878564631 -0.570055447126084
26 -0.56560536390270 -0.565922132567649
27 -0.56500822133814 -0.565018833145592
28 -0.56378276404950 -0.564487765099754
29 -0.56325970868256 -0.563832455528609
30 -0.52270441687692 -0.522703757053155
31 -0.52265949977911 -0.522654952626849
32 -0.48889847351589 -0.491429663290982
33 -0.48316205574347 -0.485639174084016
34 -0.48159644500647 -0.482000673327639
35 -0.38089302414923 -0.382656872328660
36 -0.37771892333616 -0.379260351037036
37 -0.37744245771822 -0.377653986158365
38 -0.36333638693531 -0.363369712197737
39 -0.36302197627914 -0.363034812622270
40 -0.35895588583096 -0.358936267702248
41 -0.35740621604264 -0.357444556794187
42 -0.35714901502986 -0.357158401309471
43 -0.35296626535397 -0.352964052843812
44 -0.22484068040839 -0.225629642034248
45 -0.22374301434962 -0.224685879112824
46 -0.22289286512817 -0.222907250893914
47 -0.20096402211111 -0.200977920468490

houzf commented

The reason for the above inconsistency has been discovered. This is because the way employed in TB2J_Openmx ( to construct the H and S matrix is different from the one in Openmx.


 def parse_scfoutput(self):
    argv0 ="char[]", b"")
    argv ="char[]", bytes(self.fname, encoding='ascii'))
    lib.read_scfout([argv0, argv])
    self.ncell = lib.TCpyCell + 1
    self.natom = lib.atomnum
    self.norbs = np.copy(
        asarray(ffi, lib.Total_NumOrbs, self.natom + 1)[1:])

    if lib.SpinP_switch == 3:
        self.non_collinear = True
    elif lib.SpinP_switch == 1:
        self.non_collinear = False
        raise ValueError(
            " The value of SpinP_switch is %s. Can only get J from collinear and non-collinear mode."%lib.SpinP_switch)

    fnan = asarray(ffi, lib.FNAN, self.natom + 1)

    natn = []
    for iatom in range(self.natom):
        natn.append(asarray(ffi, lib.natn[iatom + 1], fnan[iatom + 1] + 1))

    ncn = []
    for iatom in range(self.natom):
        ncn.append(asarray(ffi, lib.ncn[iatom + 1], fnan[iatom + 1] + 1))
    # atv
    #  x,y,and z-components of translation vector of
    #periodically copied cells
    #size: atv[TCpyCell+1][4];
    atv = []
    for icell in range(self.ncell):
        atv.append(asarray(ffi, lib.atv[icell], 4))
    atv = np.copy(np.array(atv))

    atv_ijk = []
    for icell in range(self.ncell):
        atv_ijk.append(asarray(ffi, lib.atv_ijk[icell], 4))
    atv_ijk = np.array(atv_ijk)
    self.R = atv_ijk[:, 1:]
    tv = []
    for i in range(4):
        tv.append(asarray(ffi,[i], 4))
    tv = np.array(tv)
    self.cell = np.copy(tv[1:, 1:]) * Bohr

    rtv = []
    for i in range(4):
        rtv.append(asarray(ffi, lib.rtv[i], 4))
    rtv = np.array(rtv)
    self.rcell = np.copy(rtv[1:, 1:])

    Gxyz = []
    for iatom in range(self.natom):
        Gxyz.append(asarray(ffi, lib.Gxyz[iatom + 1], 60))
    self.positions = np.copy(np.array(Gxyz)[:, 1:4]) * Bohr

    self.MP = np.copy(asarray(ffi, lib.MP, self.natom + 1)[1:])

    self.norb = lib.T_NumOrbs
    norb = self.norb

    if self.non_collinear:
        HR = np.zeros([self.ncell, 4, lib.T_NumOrbs, lib.T_NumOrbs])
        for iR in range(0, self.ncell):
            for ispin in range(lib.SpinP_switch + 1):
                for iorb in range(lib.T_NumOrbs):
                    HR[iR, ispin,
                       iorb, :] = asarray(ffi, lib.HR[iR][ispin][iorb],

        HR_imag = np.zeros([self.ncell, 3, lib.T_NumOrbs, lib.T_NumOrbs])
        for iR in range(0, self.ncell):
            for ispin in range(3):
                for iorb in range(lib.T_NumOrbs):
                    HR_imag[iR, ispin, iorb, :] = asarray(
                        ffi, lib.HR_imag[iR][ispin][iorb], norb)

        self.H = np.zeros(
            [self.ncell, lib.T_NumOrbs * 2, lib.T_NumOrbs * 2],

        for iR in range(self.ncell):
            # up up
            self.H[iR, ::2, ::2] = HR[iR, 0, :, :] + 1j * HR_imag[iR, 0, :, :]
            # up down
            self.H[iR, ::2,
               1::2] = HR[iR, 2, :, :] + 1j * (HR[iR, 3, :, :] +
                                               HR_imag[iR, 2, :, :])
            # down up
               1::2, ::2] = HR[iR, 2, :, :] - 1j * (HR[iR, 3, :, :] +
                                                      HR_imag[iR, 2, :, :])
            # down down
            self.H[iR, 1::2, 1::2] = HR[iR, 1, :, :] + 1j * HR_imag[iR, 1, :, :]

            #following the way in openmx code:
            #up  up
            self.H[iR, 0:norb, 0:norb] = HR[iR, 0, :, :] + 1j * HR_imag[iR, 0, :, :]
            #up down
            self.H[iR, 0:norb,
               norb:2*norb] = HR[iR, 2, :, :] + 1j * (HR[iR, 3, :, :] +
                                               HR_imag[iR, 2, :, :])
            # down up
               norb:2*norb, 0:norb] = HR[iR, 2, :, :] - 1j * (HR[iR, 3, :, :] +
                                                      HR_imag[iR, 2, :, :])
            # down down
            self.H[iR, norb:2*norb, norb:2*norb] = HR[iR, 1, :, :] + 1j * HR_imag[iR, 1, :, :]

        SR = np.zeros([self.ncell, lib.T_NumOrbs, lib.T_NumOrbs])
        for iR in range(0, self.ncell):
            for iorb in range(lib.T_NumOrbs):
                SR[iR, iorb, :] = asarray(ffi, lib.SR[iR][iorb], norb)
        self.S = np.kron(np.eye(2), SR)

    else:  # collinear

        HR = np.zeros([self.ncell, 4, lib.T_NumOrbs, lib.T_NumOrbs])
        for iR in range(0, self.ncell):
            for ispin in range(lib.SpinP_switch + 1):
                for iorb in range(lib.T_NumOrbs):
                    HR[iR, ispin,
                       iorb, :] = asarray(ffi, lib.HR[iR][ispin][iorb],

        self.H = np.zeros(
            [self.ncell, lib.T_NumOrbs * 2, lib.T_NumOrbs * 2],

        for iR in range(self.ncell):
            # up up
            self.H[iR, ::2, ::2] = HR[iR, 0, :, :]
            # down down
            self.H[iR, 1::2, 1::2] = HR[iR, 1, :, :]


        for iR in range(self.ncell):
            # up up
            self.H[iR, 0:norb, 0:norb] = HR[iR, 0, :, :]
            # up down
            self.H[iR, 0:norb, norb:2*norb] = HR[iR, 2, :, :]
            # down up
            self.H[iR, norb:2*norb, 0:norb] = HR[iR, 2, :, :]
            # down down
            self.H[iR, norb:2*norb, norb:2*norb] = HR[iR, 1, :, :]

    self.efermi = lib.ChemP * Ha
    self.H *= Ha

    SR = np.zeros([self.ncell, lib.T_NumOrbs, lib.T_NumOrbs])
    for iR in range(0, self.ncell):
        for iorb in range(lib.T_NumOrbs):
            SR[iR, iorb, :] = asarray(ffi, lib.SR[iR][iorb], norb)
    #self.S = np.kron(SR, np.eye(2))
    self.S = np.kron(np.eye(2), SR)

    print("Loading from scfout file OK!")

This has been discussed in
The two implementations are equivalent but leads to different numerical noise. The noise is from the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian in the OpenMX Calculation, which might need to be improved by using e.g. more k-points or more grid points.