
CloudQuery Source Plugin?

yevgenypats opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Team, hopefully this is right place to ask, if not, I'd appreciate if you can direct me.

I'm the founder of, a high performance open source ELT framework.

Our users are interested in a Mailjet plugin, but as we cannot maintain all the plugins ourselves, I was curious if this would be an interesting collaboration, where we would help implement an initial source plugin, and you will help maintain it.

This will give your users the ability to sync Mailjet data to any of their datalakes/data-warehouses/databases easily using any of the growing list of CQ destination plugins.


Hey! Thank you for bringing this to us. It did end up in the right hands! I would love to take this offline and talk about it. Is there a way I can contact you or find you on LinkedIn? Let me know!

Hey @nlynch00 Cool! Yeah ping me at yp at our domain (