
Trying to get HTML of template

tiger5226 opened this issue · 5 comments

Unexpected server response code: 400: Unknown resource: "detailcontent" ()
exit status 1
func FetchTempate() {
	publicKey := os.Getenv("MJ_APIKEY_PUBLIC")
	secretKey := os.Getenv("MJ_APIKEY_PRIVATE")

	mj := mailjet.NewMailjetClient(publicKey, secretKey)

	var templ []resources.TemplateDetailcontent
	info := &mailjet.Request{
		Resource: "detailcontent",
		ID:       561775,
	err := mj.Get(info, &templ)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
	logrus.Warning("HTML ", templ[0].HtmlPart)
	logrus.Warning("Text ", templ[0].TextPart)
	fmt.Printf("Sender struct: %+v\n", templ)


I can't seem to get the resource based on

The example only works with single depth resources. like template. I tried many different forms too. Please add an example of how to use template/:id/detailcontent vs just template which works fine.

Another added note is that I was frustrated enough to post an issue. Most users will not create issues. You should always try to reduce "assumed knowledge" as much as possible. If people don't have a recourse they most likely will pass over your solution than wait days potentially for a response.

I altered it to use the Action, and modified the package to output the url it creates:

Which is correct based on my working postman example.

func FetchTempate() {
	publicKey := os.Getenv("MJ_APIKEY_PUBLIC")
	secretKey := os.Getenv("MJ_APIKEY_PRIVATE")

	mj := mailjet.NewMailjetClient(publicKey, secretKey)

	var templ []resources.TemplateDetailcontent
	info := &mailjet.Request{
		Resource: "template",
		ID:       561775,
		Action:   "detailcontent",
	err := mj.Get(info, &templ)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
	//logrus.Warning("HTML ", templ.HtmlPart)
	//logrus.Warning("Text ", templ.TextPart)
	fmt.Printf("Sender struct: %+v\n", templ)


Now I get the following error:

Error decoding API response: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field TemplateDetailcontent.MJMLContent of type string
exit status 1

Ok, so the v3 api has MJMLContent as an object. From my postman test, I can see this. Not sure why the library still has it as a string. So I need to build this out I guess in order to use this API.

Ok I got it working with this PR #47.

Hi @tiger5226 ,
I'll close the issue as it's solved by the PR you mentioned.