
Mailjet & Devise

monroemann opened this issue · 1 comments


We are a paying customer of MailJet. I have followed all instructions on this repos read-me, but I'm having trouble connecting the API up to the Devise 'reset password' form.

  1. Are there instructions anywhere for helping to link up MailJet to Devise? I must be missing a step somwhere. When I click 'Send Password Reset Link', I receive an error: email is required. But my email address IS there.

  2. If there are no pre-written guides on how to do this, could someone kindly help with the particular steps I need to take to ensure that when I press 'Send Password Reset Link' on our devise sign-in page, it properly sends the email?

  3. Next, is this testable on localhost, or is the only way to test to go live on heroku?

  4. Finally, do I have to do anything on Heroku itself to link up to my MailJet account?


xab3r commented

Sorry for the late reaction to your question. Closing since this is not an issue anymore.