
I cant register with email

mmdaz opened this issue · 8 comments

mmdaz commented

I am using docker-compose.yaml file and before it I am setting the email configs with my mail host. but it doesn't send an email when I register with the UI form.

there is no confirmation step on users registration, if that is what are you referring.
email is sent for the purposes of reseting the password in case you've forgotten it.

mmdaz commented

So, How can I register for it?
I am registering and after trying to log in.
I got this error:

Oh snap!

Login/Email combination is not correct, please try again.

Ok, there may be a problem with version of images, can you ensure that you have the latest docker images?
I've just tried a fresh start, registered user and later logged in successfully.

mmdaz commented

Yes, I am using the docker-compose.yaml file and images of this file are the last images.

anything in the logs?
can you check in browser debug console if there are any errors?

@mmdaz I'm not sure but it looks like an issue with your setup. I just tried and all works fine.

Please, run from the root directory the commands make clean and make run , and try again.

mmdaz commented

Finally, I can register it!
I used this docker-compose file with little changes that I added the UI container to it and changed the Nginx configurations for serving and proxy passing requests to the UI and it works fine.

Great! I recommend you to use the UI docker-compose.yaml. But you got the idea :)

Closing this one for now