
version 0.0.0

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I am using a docker image of mainflux/ui:0.13.0 which displays v0.0.0 at the top next to Mainflux

@jdevoo The UI display the version of /health endpoint from Things service. Are you using 0.13.0 for mainflux services or only for the UI?

Hi Manuel! I had updated my docker-compose to use the following images

REPOSITORY                 TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE
mainflux/provision         0.13.0    7f10167dfc93   4 weeks ago   11.6MB
mainflux/mqtt              0.13.0    578b8d527353   4 weeks ago   15.3MB
mainflux/twins             0.13.0    a213c5b7f2f4   4 weeks ago   20.2MB
mainflux/auth              0.13.0    9156babbf851   4 weeks ago   13.7MB
mainflux/bootstrap         0.13.0    a52ee3148ecd   4 weeks ago   15.8MB
mainflux/cli               0.13.0    4e2b47668c2a   4 weeks ago   10.8MB
mainflux/postgres-reader   0.13.0    ebf18c10972c   4 weeks ago   13.3MB
mainflux/postgres-writer   0.13.0    0a5efa878088   4 weeks ago   13.6MB
mainflux/vernemq           0.13.0    e51a6e98ddb7   4 weeks ago   106MB
mainflux/http              0.13.0    e8b9571efff3   4 weeks ago   13.3MB
mainflux/things            0.13.0    3929d552abbe   4 weeks ago   15.8MB
mainflux/users             0.13.0    ab79f88b6079   4 weeks ago   13.7MB
mainflux/ui                0.13.0    a8a08fe7fb54   5 weeks ago   46.5MB

Perhaps there's an nginx config I omitted - will check

Oh yes right, you also need the proper nginx conf.

right - /version --> /health