
Unable to write data in influxdb, connection to keeps getting refused.

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I am constantly getting the following error in influxdb-writer container

{"level":"warn","message":"Failed to handle Mainflux message: failed to save message to influxdb database : Post "http://localhost:8086/write?consistency=&db=mainflux&precision=ns&rp=\": dial tcp connect: connection refused"

Assuming that the containers might not be able to recognize localhost or host addresses when calling them from within their own containers, i added to influxdb contianers the following lines:

- "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"

Also switched 'host-gateway' with docker0 address ( and docker_gwbridge ( address but that didn't work. Everything works except for when trying to use influxdb writer or reader services. I also made sure the ports 8086, 8088 8090 were not used by any other service other than then being used by containers but that didn't help either. I am not sure if i should be adding network mode 'host' altogether because that would defeat the purpose of the custom bridge docker network. All the containers are up and running without issues!