
Update to v0.25

Closed this issue · 2 comments

As you know, since version 0.25.0 Decidim uses webpacker for its assets.

@leio10 had already made all the changes for this to work (this was actually in production in Metadecidim for the last couple of months), but I see that he hadn't time to make the PR.

I'm opening this PR just so you're aware of - I'll try to find time next week to make the PR with the cherry-picking myself, but just in case that I couldn't find time or if you prefer to do so yourselves.

The develop branch should work for v0.25.

In case you've found something broken with it, please open the PR against the develop branch.

The develop branch should work for v0.25.

Great! Closing this issue as it was already fixed then