
Update ember-getowner-polyfill for babel 6.6.x support

jrock2004 opened this issue · 4 comments

The one dependency that you are using ember-getowner-polyfill has a newer version where it supports a new version of babel. This is needed as I am see deprecation warning in my ember app

DEPRECATION: ember-cli-babel 5.x has been deprecated. Please upgrade to at least 
ember-cli-babel 6.6. Version 5.2.8 located: cf2-cli -> ember-cookies -> 
ember-getowner-polyfill -> ember-cli-babel

I would make a PR but not sure that is really needed

I think we already allow the latest version of ember-getowner-polyfill? see

Out of interest, what version is the minimum version of Ember this addon is trying to support? If it's Ember 2.4, then the ember-getowner-polyfill reference can be removed altogether and this warning will go away.

We've managed to get from 29 of these deprecation warnings down to 7, and 3 of those are from simplabs addons (ember-simple-auth and ember-cookies). It would be lovely to have no warnings :)

We're supporting Ember 1.13 and up and thus needs the polyfill unfortunately.

As with the comment against the same issue for ember-simple-auth, would you be able to publish a new major version without the polyfill that supports only Ember 2.4+, thus negating the issue of backwards compatibility for those using the new version?