
No documentation for how to disable empty tagName assertion

elwayman02 opened this issue · 3 comments

There is an assertion that causes test failures if you apply a test selector to a component with an empty tagname. The assertion claims to link to documentation for how to disable the assertion, but it links to documentation that doesn't exist:

How do we actually disable this assertion?

it's right above it: you need to set supportsDataTestProperties: true on the component, though I'd generally advise against using data-test properties on components these days and just use ...attributes instead to apply them

Yea, I finally found it but it's undocumented and the assertion needs to be updated. :)

I wish we could use splattributes, but we're still living the classic life over here so we need to maintain support until we get all the features we need enabled.

since the automatic binding on components is deprecated now, we can probably close this issue since it won't be addressed anymore before the code is finally removed.