
Webcam not available on ports other than 8080

cvanelteren opened this issue · 2 comments

What happened

Hi all,

I was trying to get my webcam working using crowsnest, and even though everything installed fine and the webcam was detected I wasn't able to get a feed from the webcam.

What did you expect to happen

Get a webcam feed

How to reproduce

  • Set a different port in printer_data/config/crowsnest.conf
  • systemctl restart crowsnest

Additional information

I was scratching my head for a while until I realized that fluidd was installed on 8080. Eventhough I set the port in crowsnest conf to 8081, crowsnest didn't give me a feed. As soon as I removed fluidd, I was able to access the webcam feed when I changed the port to 8080 and restarted the service.

Note just to clarify, I had to do both removing fluidd(freeing up the 8080 port) and change the 8081 to 8080. Leaving the port at 8081 while having fluidd removed did not work


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