
This is demo project on how to deploy Laravel App on Docker with Queue, Laravel Horizon, Adminer, MySQL, Redis and Load Balancer (HAProxy)

Primary LanguagePHP

Docker Laravel Load Balancing

How it works

This project demo how to use HAProxy as a load balancing stands in front of Nginx webservers which serve Laravel Application behind


Request -> HAProxy -> Nginx instances -> Laravel app

How to run

From root project, run:

docker-compose up --build --scale webserver=3

Option --scale webserver=3 will create 3 instances of webserver service (you can choose any number of instances you like)

Then Run the following command to setup .env file:

cp .env.example .env
docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate

Now access localhost:8000 and try refresh browser, each time you'll see your request is served by a different webserver instance

Deep dive

Laravel Horizon

Laravel Horizon is running at localhost:8000/horizon

You can disable it by comment ENABLE_HORIZON in Dockerfile

Laravel Task Scheduling

Laravel Task Scheduling is configured at app/Console/Kernel.php and auto run for you, you can check by opening storage/log/laravel.log, if you see Scheduler is running, that means everything is fine

You can disable it by comment ENABLE_CRONTAB in Dockerfile

Database management

Database management server is running at localhost:8080