
Found solution for Gamebryo NIF

jumpjack opened this issue · 2 comments

Version 4.425 of Noesis is unable to open some NIF files with version, raising exceptions like "Unreasonable texture list size" and "Unreasonable shader map list size".
After some experiments, I was able to partially fix this issue by preventing Noesis from attempting loading textures.
It's a first step, but also adding textures is important... Unfortunately I don't know anything about textures and NIF files, I was just lucky with this hack.

I attach the modified file

This package contains 4 NIF files; original version of Noesis can only open statue_base.nif. My version can open all of them.
I also tried it with 30 other NIF files incompatible with 4.425, and they all open fine (without textures).[].zip