
How to update if installed via Ubuntu APT?

danfratamico opened this issue · 3 comments

I installed version 1.7.17 via Ubuntu 22.04 APT. How can I go about installing the latest 2.5.2 version? Is there an APT repo I can install?

C0RD commented

2.5.2 is in Ubuntu 24

You can download the *.deb at and install it with 'dpkg -i'

Is there an APT repo I can install?

C0RD commented

The Line for the repo is mentioned on top of the download-page mentioned above.

To only fetch mysqltuner from that, you need to fiddle with /etc/apt/preferences.

Example: (should be placed in /etc/apt/preferences.d/mysqltuner)

Package: mysqltuner
Pin: release a=noble
Pin-Priority: 900

Further reading:

  • man apt_preferences
  • man sources.list