
Error in device selection when sending data

mak-gitdev opened this issue · 2 comments

Discussed in #70

Originally posted by vbreit June 27, 2023

Hello all,

I have 3 modules Nodon SIN-2-RS-01

Two of them work 100% (old modules firmware 1.3 and 1.2)

The 3rd and newest module does not work (firmware 1.5.1)
in my configuration it is [shutter_wz_terrasse1].

What is the reason ? Can you help me please ?


address         = 0x050E7E6E
rorg            = 0xD2
func            = 0x05
type            = 0x00

address         = 0x0587A2F7
rorg            = 0xD2
func            = 0x05
type            = 0x00

address         = 0x059EEC27
rorg            = 0xD2
func            = 0x05
type            = 0x00


address         = 0x059E2EEB
rorg            = 0xD2
func            = 0x01
type            = 0x12

address         = 0x0590ECEE
rorg            = 0xD2
func            = 0x01
type            = 0x0F

address         = 0x05A084CF
rorg            = 0xD2
func            = 0x01
type            = 0x12
2023-06-27 13:10:42,448 INFO: Authenticating: addons
2023-06-27 13:10:42,449 DEBUG: Connecting to host core-mosquitto, port 1883, keepalive 60
2023-06-27 13:10:42,461 DEBUG: Sending CONNECT (u1, p1, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=b'enocean_gateway'
2023-06-27 13:10:42,463 INFO: SerialCommunicator started
2023-06-27 13:10:42,464 INFO: Auto Teach-in is disabled
2023-06-27 13:10:42,467 WARNING: Replacing Packet.optional with default value.
2023-06-27 13:10:42,565 INFO: Sending packet
2023-06-27 13:10:42,566 DEBUG: 0x05 ['0x8'] [] OrderedDict()
2023-06-27 13:10:42,667 DEBUG: 0x02 ['0x0', '0xff', '0xc9', '0xc0', '0x80'] ['0xa'] OrderedDict()
2023-06-27 13:10:42,669 INFO: got response packet: OK
2023-06-27 13:10:42,964 DEBUG: Received CONNACK (0, 0)
2023-06-27 13:10:42,965 INFO: Succesfully connected to MQTT broker.
2023-06-27 13:10:42,966 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m1) [(b'enoceanmqtt/shutter_wz_terrasse/req/#', 0)]
2023-06-27 13:10:42,967 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m2) [(b'enoceanmqtt/shutter_k\xc3\xbcche_terrasse/req/#', 0)]
2023-06-27 13:10:42,967 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m3) [(b'enoceanmqtt/shutter_wz_terrasse1/req/#', 0)]
2023-06-27 13:10:42,968 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m4) [(b'enoceanmqtt/light_haust\xc3\xbcr_outside/req/#', 0)]
2023-06-27 13:10:42,969 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m5) [(b'enoceanmqtt/light_terrasse_outside/req/#', 0)]
2023-06-27 13:10:42,970 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m6) [(b'enoceanmqtt/light_terasse1_outside/req/#', 0)]
2023-06-27 13:10:42,972 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m7), 'b'homeassistant/cover/enocean_D20500_050E7E6E_NONE_cover/config'', ... (1345 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:42,973 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m8), 'b'homeassistant/sensor/enocean_D20500_050E7E6E_NONE_rssi/config'', ... (514 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:42,974 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m9), 'b'homeassistant/sensor/enocean_D20500_050E7E6E_NONE_last_seen/config'', ... (554 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:42,975 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m10) [(b'homeassistant/cover/enocean_D20500_050E7E6E_NONE_cover/config/#', 0)]
2023-06-27 13:10:42,976 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m11) [(b'enoceanmqtt/shutter_wz_terrasse/__system/#', 0)]
2023-06-27 13:10:42,990 INFO: Device enoceanmqtt/shutter_wz_terrasse (UID: D20500_050E7E6E_NONE / EEP: D2-05-00) updated on device database
2023-06-27 13:10:42,993 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m12), 'b'homeassistant/cover/enocean_D20500_0587A2F7_NONE_cover/config'', ... (1401 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:42,995 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m13), 'b'homeassistant/sensor/enocean_D20500_0587A2F7_NONE_rssi/config'', ... (538 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:42,996 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m14), 'b'homeassistant/sensor/enocean_D20500_0587A2F7_NONE_last_seen/config'', ... (578 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:42,997 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m15) [(b'homeassistant/cover/enocean_D20500_0587A2F7_NONE_cover/config/#', 0)]
2023-06-27 13:10:42,998 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m16) [(b'enoceanmqtt/shutter_k\xc3\xbcche_terrasse/__system/#', 0)]
2023-06-27 13:10:43,004 INFO: Device enoceanmqtt/shutter_küche_terrasse (UID: D20500_0587A2F7_NONE / EEP: D2-05-00) updated on device database
2023-06-27 13:10:43,006 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m17), 'b'homeassistant/cover/enocean_D20500_059EEC27_NONE_cover/config'', ... (1352 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,007 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m18), 'b'homeassistant/sensor/enocean_D20500_059EEC27_NONE_rssi/config'', ... (517 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,008 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m19), 'b'homeassistant/sensor/enocean_D20500_059EEC27_NONE_last_seen/config'', ... (557 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,009 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m20) [(b'homeassistant/cover/enocean_D20500_059EEC27_NONE_cover/config/#', 0)]
2023-06-27 13:10:43,010 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m21) [(b'enoceanmqtt/shutter_wz_terrasse1/__system/#', 0)]
2023-06-27 13:10:43,016 INFO: Device enoceanmqtt/shutter_wz_terrasse1 (UID: D20500_059EEC27_NONE / EEP: D2-05-00) updated on device database
2023-06-27 13:10:43,018 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m22), 'b'homeassistant/light/enocean_D20112_059E2EEB_NONE_IO0/config'', ... (762 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,019 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m23), 'b'homeassistant/button/enocean_D20112_059E2EEB_NONE_query_status_IO0/config'', ... (490 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,020 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m24), 'b'homeassistant/binary_sensor/enocean_D20112_059E2EEB_NONE_IO0_LC/config'', ... (522 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,020 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m25), 'b'homeassistant/light/enocean_D20112_059E2EEB_NONE_IO1/config'', ... (762 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,021 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m26), 'b'homeassistant/button/enocean_D20112_059E2EEB_NONE_query_status_IO1/config'', ... (490 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,022 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m27), 'b'homeassistant/binary_sensor/enocean_D20112_059E2EEB_NONE_IO1_LC/config'', ... (522 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,023 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m28), 'b'homeassistant/button/enocean_D20112_059E2EEB_NONE_query_status_all/config'', ... (491 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,024 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m29), 'b'homeassistant/sensor/enocean_D20112_059E2EEB_NONE_rssi/config'', ... (535 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,025 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m30), 'b'homeassistant/sensor/enocean_D20112_059E2EEB_NONE_last_seen/config'', ... (575 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,026 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m31) [(b'homeassistant/light/enocean_D20112_059E2EEB_NONE_IO0/config/#', 0)]
2023-06-27 13:10:43,026 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m32) [(b'enoceanmqtt/light_haust\xc3\xbcr_outside/__system/#', 0)]
2023-06-27 13:10:43,032 INFO: Device enoceanmqtt/light_haustür_outside (UID: D20112_059E2EEB_NONE / EEP: D2-01-12) updated on device database
2023-06-27 13:10:43,034 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m33), 'b'homeassistant/switch/enocean_D2010F_0590ECEE_NONE_switch/config'', ... (741 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,034 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m34), 'b'homeassistant/button/enocean_D2010F_0590ECEE_NONE_query_status/config'', ... (471 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,035 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m35), 'b'homeassistant/binary_sensor/enocean_D2010F_0590ECEE_NONE_LC/config'', ... (498 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,035 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m36), 'b'homeassistant/sensor/enocean_D2010F_0590ECEE_NONE_rssi/config'', ... (523 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,036 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m37), 'b'homeassistant/sensor/enocean_D2010F_0590ECEE_NONE_last_seen/config'', ... (563 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,036 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m38) [(b'homeassistant/switch/enocean_D2010F_0590ECEE_NONE_switch/config/#', 0)]
2023-06-27 13:10:43,036 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m39) [(b'enoceanmqtt/light_terrasse_outside/__system/#', 0)]
2023-06-27 13:10:43,042 INFO: Device enoceanmqtt/light_terrasse_outside (UID: D2010F_0590ECEE_NONE / EEP: D2-01-0F) updated on device database
2023-06-27 13:10:43,044 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m40), 'b'homeassistant/light/enocean_D20112_05A084CF_NONE_IO0/config'', ... (746 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,045 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m41), 'b'homeassistant/button/enocean_D20112_05A084CF_NONE_query_status_IO0/config'', ... (478 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,045 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m42), 'b'homeassistant/binary_sensor/enocean_D20112_05A084CF_NONE_IO0_LC/config'', ... (510 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,046 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m43), 'b'homeassistant/light/enocean_D20112_05A084CF_NONE_IO1/config'', ... (746 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,046 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m44), 'b'homeassistant/button/enocean_D20112_05A084CF_NONE_query_status_IO1/config'', ... (478 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,047 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m45), 'b'homeassistant/binary_sensor/enocean_D20112_05A084CF_NONE_IO1_LC/config'', ... (510 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,047 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m46), 'b'homeassistant/button/enocean_D20112_05A084CF_NONE_query_status_all/config'', ... (479 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,048 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m47), 'b'homeassistant/sensor/enocean_D20112_05A084CF_NONE_rssi/config'', ... (523 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,049 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m48), 'b'homeassistant/sensor/enocean_D20112_05A084CF_NONE_last_seen/config'', ... (563 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,049 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m49) [(b'homeassistant/light/enocean_D20112_05A084CF_NONE_IO0/config/#', 0)]
2023-06-27 13:10:43,050 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m50) [(b'enoceanmqtt/light_terasse1_outside/__system/#', 0)]
2023-06-27 13:10:43,055 INFO: Device enoceanmqtt/light_terasse1_outside (UID: D20112_05A084CF_NONE / EEP: D2-01-12) updated on device database
2023-06-27 13:10:43,056 DEBUG: List of remaining UIDS: []
2023-06-27 13:10:43,056 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m51), 'b'homeassistant/switch/enoceanmqtt_learn_FFC9C080/config'', ... (374 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,057 DEBUG: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m52) [(b'enoceanmqtt/__system/learn/req/#', 0)]
2023-06-27 13:10:43,057 DEBUG: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m53), 'b'enoceanmqtt/__system/learn'', ... (3 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,064 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2023-06-27 13:10:43,065 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2023-06-27 13:10:43,066 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2023-06-27 13:10:43,067 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2023-06-27 13:10:43,084 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2023-06-27 13:10:43,085 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2023-06-27 13:10:43,086 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2023-06-27 13:10:43,086 DEBUG: Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0), 'homeassistant/cover/enocean_D20500_050E7E6E_NONE_cover/config', ...  (1345 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,087 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2023-06-27 13:10:43,088 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2023-06-27 13:10:43,088 DEBUG: Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0), 'homeassistant/cover/enocean_D20500_0587A2F7_NONE_cover/config', ...  (1401 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,117 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2023-06-27 13:10:43,118 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2023-06-27 13:10:43,119 DEBUG: Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0), 'homeassistant/cover/enocean_D20500_059EEC27_NONE_cover/config', ...  (1352 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,119 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2023-06-27 13:10:43,120 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2023-06-27 13:10:43,120 DEBUG: Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0), 'homeassistant/light/enocean_D20112_059E2EEB_NONE_IO0/config', ...  (762 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,152 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2023-06-27 13:10:43,152 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2023-06-27 13:10:43,153 DEBUG: Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0), 'homeassistant/switch/enocean_D2010F_0590ECEE_NONE_switch/config', ...  (741 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,154 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2023-06-27 13:10:43,154 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2023-06-27 13:10:43,155 DEBUG: Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0), 'homeassistant/light/enocean_D20112_05A084CF_NONE_IO0/config', ...  (746 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:10:43,194 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2023-06-27 13:10:43,195 DEBUG: Received SUBACK
2023-06-27 13:11:30,971 DEBUG: Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'enoceanmqtt/shutter_wz_terrasse1/req', ...  (81 bytes)
2023-06-27 13:11:30,972 DEBUG: Got MQTT message: enoceanmqtt/shutter_wz_terrasse1/req
2023-06-27 13:11:30,973 WARNING: Unexpected or erroneous MQTT message: enoceanmqtt/shutter_wz_terrasse1/req: b'{"CMD":"1","POS":"19","ANG":"127","REPO":"0","LOCK":"0","CHN":"0","send":"clear"}'
Originally posted by mak-gitdev July 9, 2023

Ok this is a bug at enocean-mqtt level.
And as previously explained, this is not related to the firmware.

When a send request is received, we have to determine which sensor is targeted.
To select the correct sensor, a name comparison is done between the MQTT topic and the list of sensors.
At the moment, this name comparison checks whether a sensor name is IN the MQTT topic.
Thus, when a request targeting shutterwz/terrasse1 is received, as shutterwz/terrasse appears first in the list of sensors and as "shutterwz/terrasse" is also in "shutterwz/terrasse1", it will pass the current name comparison and it will be selected as the targeted device.
Then as the wrong device is selected, you end up with this message indicating that the MQTT message is unexpected or erroneous.

Fortunately, fixing this is simple.
While waiting for the fix to be applied, you can just choose a different name for shutterwz/terrasse1 very different from shutterwz/terrasse.

Thanks for discovering this one 👍

Fixed by commit 0d0a4cd