
Add difficulty locking and an option to disable the Realms button.

Opened this issue · 7 comments


I know the MiscTweaks mod exists, but its difficulty lock will causes a crash, and I'd
rather reduce the amount of dead mods I have to rely on for small things like this.

I can't say I care about difficulty locking, but I might do the realms button one.

I can't say I care about difficulty locking, but I might do the realms button one.

Difficulty locking was added in 1.8, which might be useful for people who have hardcore packs and want the difficulty locked to hard.

Coolsquid's misctweaks adds both those options for 1.7, so that's largely unnecessary.

Again, MiscTweaks' version of difficulty locking causes a crash

Definitely a you problem chief, works in my modpack and if it manages to work in my modpack it's

working as intended ™️

Whether MiscTweaks works or not makes no difference, I simply don't want to add difficulty locking. It would better fit in Et Futurum Requiem anyway since it's a backport. I recommend asking for it there.

Alright, sorry.