
Crash issue with dragon block c animations

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Upon playing the crashing animation I am faced with this crash (tried disabling bug fixes, optimizations and tweaks 1 by 1 and still didn't work)
(I remove the mod and the game runs fine)

Based on the log this was caused by an issue in the fix_entity_tracking module. Can you check if it's fixed in this build?

Yep, that fixes the issue thank you 🙏 for some reason I experience a performance drop when using the mod as opposed to an increase though :/

for some reason I experience a performance drop when using the mod as opposed to an increase though :/

Strange, I wonder if it's also caused by fix_entity_tracking?

I disabled the setting and it still caused lag spikes for some reason as opposed to normally smooth gameplay :/

I'm not getting any lag spikes, so this is probably an incompatibility with one of your mods. Can you send me some profiler snapshots? One with and one without CoreTweaks, for comparison. You can use spark or VisualVM for this. The frametime graph in Sampler's F3 overlay can also help to easily identify when the lag spikes happen.