
Timestamp for this request is outside of the recvWindow.

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I want to create new order:

from pymexc import spot

api_key = "apikey"
api_secret = "secretkey"

spot_client = spot.HTTP(api_key = api_key, api_secret = api_secret)
response = spot_client.new_order(symbol='BTCUSDT', side='BUY', order_type='MARKET', quote_order_qty=6)

But I get an error:

pymexc.base.MexcAPIError: (code=700003): Timestamp for this request is outside of the recvWindow.

I try to increase the value of recvWindow:

spot_client.recvWindow = 30000

but nothing change :(
The same error is occured when I try initialize WebSocket client ( in examples)

Where did I wrong?

Sorry! I don't think about python version. First experience was in python 3.11
Now I used python 3.9 and all is works.