
Skin Materials do not update unless different import options are loaded

Hunanbean opened this issue · 9 comments

Import a character with a skin material. change the skin material to special suit (or any) then import again, either over, or after deleting the character in blender. the material is still the original skin.

however, if you load a different built in import setting and then import again, the material updates.
this seems to be limited to material. geometry changes do not require loadinga different import setting.

Did you try changing the setting that has this behavior as its default?


yes, but it seems you must select 'Prefix material name with toon'
if you do not, neither 'overwrite' or 'create new' seems to function as expected.
Expected behavior - change the material display on the mesh when either overwrite or create new is selected regardless of prefix status
Actual behavior - material display does not change when either overwrite or create new is selected, unless 'prefix material name with toon' is checked.

i do have a semi elaborate blender install, and multiple addons in MH. it may be something specific to my Frankenstein setup.
hopefully, this is the case.

Thank you

neither 'overwrite' or 'create new' seems to function as expected

Well I can confirm this problem, using Blender 2.91 and the latest version of MPFB (f73bd15). Once I had that options working, but they do not seem to be reliable. Something that has to be fixed.

I don't know what you mean by do not update, all I know is it doesn't work id wish I learned Python, because this doesn't work

The extra section, the tab is confusing to work, I made it wor once, but now I'm struggling to get it to work again

I think I finally cracked it

aaaaaaaaand. It messed up again

there could be a fix for this, you will need to have to Make skin, but you don't have the skin colors implemented in MAKEHUMAN