
User report: Remove pop-up dialogs

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Some errors produce modal dialogs (pop-ups that take focus). However, these are hard to see since they are placed at the bottom of the screen. Also, they take focus, which inactivates the rest of the screen, which is also a bit frustrating if you do not see the dialog itself.

A simple alternative is to convert them to the "red" type of error messages that are used elsewhere.

I did not manage to reproduce this error in our development environment. It seems like the error message is drawed in the middle of the screen every time.

The only thing I can think of might cause this is the situation where a user gets an error message and then leaves the memberbooth without confirming the error message. The error message seems to stay during the automatic logout that occurs after 60 seconds. But in order for this to be an actual issue the user must move the error message without affirming the error.

I think that it is important that the error messages takes focus, some of the errors must be handled before the memberbooth can be used again so I am a bit reluctant to the suggested solution to use the "red" type of error messages since the user don't must confirm that they have seen the error.

It is true that there are errors that need user intervention. These should definitely keep this type of behavior for the reasons that you listed. Perhaps it would be possible to gray out the rest of the screen to make it even more clear that the modal error dialog has opened?

I think however that the error report only regarded the error message that pops up when you type in a message that is too short when you try to create a temporary label. And this, on the other hand, could advantageously be announced with a red error message.

So my suggestion is:

  1. Make the rest of the UI gray when a modal error dialog is opened, and
  2. Switch to a red error message for the "message too short" error.