
make error! missing files!!

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allan@allan-home:/media/allan/c6293bbf-6fa1-49ca-9b01-24855a810e0e/jtag-usb-fx2lp/fx2lp/fx2tools$ make -f Makefile.linux
wget -O dump.tgz --no-check-certificate
--2020-01-16 05:13:31--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2020-01-16 05:13:32 ERROR 404: Not Found.

This repo is marked "JUNK", so you shouldn't use it. I will delete it at some point. Meanwhile, if you want to load firmware into the Cypress FX2LP, you might like fx2loader, which you can build like this (on Debian/Ubuntu you'll need build-essential and libusb-1.0-0-dev packages installed):

$ mkdir $HOME/20170708
$ cd $HOME/20170708
$ wget -qO- | tar zxf -
$ cd makestuff/apps
$ ../scripts/ makestuff/fx2loader/20170708
Fetching "makestuff/fx2loader/20170708"...
Uncompressing "makestuff/fx2loader/20170708" into "fx2loader" directory...
Fetching "makestuff/common/20170708"...
Uncompressing "makestuff/common/20170708" into "../common" directory...
$ cd fx2loader
$ make deps
$ lin.x64/rel/fx2loader --help
FX2Loader Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Chris McClelland

Usage: fx2loader [-h] [-v <VID:PID>] <source> [<destination>]

Upload code to the Cypress FX2LP.

  -v, --vidpid=<VID:PID>  vendor ID and product ID (e.g 04B4:8613)
  -h, --help              print this help and exit
  <source>                where to read from:
                              eeprom:<size>: external EEPROM (size in kbits)
                              fileName.hex: I8HEX-format .hex or .ihx file
                              fileName.bix: binary .bix file
                              fileName.iic: Cypress .iic-format file
  <destination>           where to write to:
                              ram: internal RAM (default)
                              eeprom: external EEPROM
                              fileName.hex: I8HEX-format .hex or .ihx file
                              fileName.bix: binary .bix file
                              fileName.iic: Cypress .iic-format file

If you want to use the FX2LP to talk to an FPGA, you might like FPGALink.