
Update Bayer recommendations

makew0rld opened this issue · 2 comments

From the Bayer docs:

As for color images, after my own experimentation, I've determined that everything I said above about grayscale images still applies. Stick to 1.0 and Bayer sizes above 4x4 if you can, and changing the strength still changes contrast as described above.

This is false.

For example, here is a color image:


Here is 16x16 Bayer with an 8-bit sRGB grayscale palette of 0, 156, 213, 255. 100% strength.


The second image is obviously being made lighter despite being above 4x4 in the recommendations.

Not sure how this plays with the fact that the input was color, and the palette chosen.

I'm not sure this really is being made lighter anymore.