
Adapt GDPRify commands

SimonMellerin opened this issue · 2 comments

To be fully GDPR-compatible the workflow needs to be rethink.

We will drop current db-tools:anonymization:run/db-tools:anonymize command.

Current db-tools:gdprify will become db-tools:anonymization:run/db-tools:anonymize.

This command will be use like this:

db-tools:anonymize /path/to/my/backup
  1. backup current database
  2. import given backup file
  3. anonymize database
  4. export database overwriting the given backup file
  5. restore initial database backup

The documentation will describe a fully GDPR-compatible workflow :

  1. On your prod env launch : db-tools:backup
  2. Download this backup file on a secured environment (like a preprod)
  3. launch db-tools:anonymize /path/to/my/backup on this secured environment
  4. download and restore the anonymized backup on your local machine

The db-tools:anonymize command will also start by warn user that he should not run this command on an ensecured env.

The command could be run with a --current-database then it will behavior like the old version of db-tools:anonymize.

The command will be interactive by default (ask if, you want to backup/restore the current database)but should be launch with -n if you want to run it the classic way (with a backup and a restore of the current state)

I would name --current-database as --in-place but that's minor nitpik.

Otherwise, I'd always add a confirmation prompt when running db-tools:anonymize that explains what's its going to do, and informing that both actions exists (anonymizing the local database, or backup-import-anonymize-export-restore).

Otherwise, I'd always add a confirmation prompt when running db-tools:anonymize that explains what's its going to do, and informing that both actions exists (anonymizing the local database, or backup-import-anonymize-export-restore).

Yep ! That's what's currently happened and I also think it should be kept like that.

Currently, to run the command without this prompt, you can use the --force option.

Also, this command just can't be run when ENV var is prod.