
LoremIpsumAnonymizer - Add customization options + documentation

SimonMellerin opened this issue · 1 comments

1/ Add customization options

LoremIpsumAnonymizer takes for now these options:

  • 'paragraphs': (int) number of paragraphs, default is 1,
  • 'html': (bool) surround each paragraph with <p>, default is false.
  • 'sample_count': (int) how many different values to use (default is 100).

It could be nice to have another option words (int):

  • If this option is given, the Anonymizer does not fill the anonymized value with a complete paragraph but only with words
  • The value of the option gives the number of words to generate
  • This option could not be used associated with paragraphs

2/ Documentation

LoremIpsumAnonymizer should be documented in docs/content/anonymization/

done with #112