
Module not found: ./throttle

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react-scrollspy v3.0.2

After running an npm update I am getting the following error on a previously working Scrollspy:

Module not found: ./throttle

Uncaught Error: Cannot find module "./throttle"
at webpackMissingModule (scrollspy.js:52)
at Object. (scrollspy.js:52)
at webpack_require (bootstrap 922a4e6…:555)
at fn (bootstrap 922a4e6…:86)
at Object. (ExerciseSingle.js:5)
at webpack_require (bootstrap 922a4e6…:555)
at fn (bootstrap 922a4e6…:86)
at Object. (index.js:11)
at webpack_require (bootstrap 922a4e6…:555)
at fn (bootstrap 922a4e6…:86)

var _throttle = require('./throttle');

Duplicate of #56