
Grab .editorconfig on a project basis

shri3k opened this issue · 3 comments

This might possibly be a feature request or might already be how it's working but I think it would make sense to grab .editorconfig based on the project as this is what actually happens during collaboration. One project's .editorconfig file can be completely different from another so having one static .editorconfig in our home or .vim/ directory seems to defeat the purpose of having .editorconfig in the first place.
Again, this might be how it's working right now but just for demonstration purpose let's say I'm working on a directory /projects/work/workStuff and that directory has .editoconfig file. When I call vim-jsbeautify it should first look in that directory for .editorconfig. If it can't find it then it goes up one directory..and up and so on until it can't go up anymore and it just looks at home or .vim directory and eventually uses the default .editorconfig.
I hope this makes sense and didn't make a fool of myself.
Also, this might be the first beautifier plugin that actually leverages .editorconfig file or atleast from what I've tried in Atom and Sublime. Made me switch back to vim 😁

@sinkingshriek Thanks!

Plugin already should grab .editorconfig from project folder. Sometimes, when you change project .editorconfig, you should call function :EditorConfigReload

@maksimr Nice. I knew that this was an obvious implementation. Didn't know about the :EditorConfigRelaod however. Thank you!!

@sinkingshriek no problem!