- 3
array elements on new line each
#41 opened by timsuchanek - 52
JsBeautify() is ignoring .editorconfig
#46 opened by nobleach - 9
can't beautify anymore :/
#30 opened by jojoyuji - 9
Do not overwrite C-f in example
#82 opened by inktrap - 19
Support for `.jsbeautifyrc` files?
#34 opened by randallagordon - 22
Tab Indentation
#21 opened by stanleygu - 17
Error: Cannot find module 'd:\Program' with gvim installed in "d:\Program Files (x86)\Vim"
#68 opened by wangxxi - 8
The node is not executable!
#74 opened by juicechu - 4
- 3
Windows NodeJS + Cygwin Vim
#63 opened by davidfmatheson - 4
Add support jsx files
#55 opened by maksimr - 3
Jsx support/documentation.
#83 opened by robin-anil - 5
insert_final_newline doesn't work
#81 opened by agarrharr - 14
"Must define at least one file" error
#80 opened by onemanstartup - 2
may I config the style by myself?
#79 opened by XadillaX - 9
Error while beautifying
#78 opened by XadillaX - 5
Support io.js
#76 opened by EvanJin - 4
Support for Custom web-components
#70 opened by mhartington - 7
Cannot find content file
#66 opened by nshahpazov - 9
- 4
HTML prettify failed
#65 opened by noscripter - 0
- 3
Can I use .jsbeautifyrc ?
#52 opened by FranckErnewein - 2
Use a newer version of js-beautify
#62 opened by schickling - 1
Edit file only if necessary
#61 opened by schickling - 3
not compatible with js-lint
#60 opened by lovelock - 3
default nodejs problem
#58 opened by jetz - 1
Support for Json files as well
#51 opened by pgilad - 3
- 7
How to configure to use tabs?
#49 opened by JakeSummers - 1
Do I have to create an .editorconfig or will the plugin use default settings when it's not present?
#50 opened by chevcast - 0
Error with detection position of cursor
#47 opened by maksimr - 15
vim-coffescript autocommand
#42 opened by jandob - 7
- 3
how to custom the location of ".editorconfig"
#43 opened by shoppon - 2
Read local .editorconfig files starting from current working directory and move up to Root
#28 opened by joonhocho - 5
- 4
HtmlBeautify() adding extra newline
#36 opened by johvik - 1
Formatting error
#37 opened by johvik - 1
header(h1,h2) format error
#33 opened by shoppon - 5
indent_size not respected
#31 opened by tkaria - 5
JS and CSS Beautify destructively add new lines when in <script> and <style> tags.
#32 opened by nandryshak - 1
false values from editorconfig should be treated as boolean false not string 'false'
#29 opened by joonhocho - 9
Add available options to editconfig
#26 opened by phcostabh - 4
Error on HtmlBeautify()
#25 opened - 1
Cannot find module beautify.js
#24 opened - 1
Bug with 'indention' in js-beautify 1.3.2
#23 opened by maksimr - 4
no such file or directory '/home/<user>/.vim/bundle/js-beautify/beautify-html.js'
#20 opened by rofrol - 4
- 4
json convert error
#18 opened by JianMeng