
REQUEST: Add instructions to readme on how to use bevy api gen

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I am trying to run the bevy api gen crate so that it can update some missing api modules, but it claims that all of the types are missing from the given modules yet provides no information on where it is looking, or how to tell it where to look. There is no example of running the generation on the repository readme, and I am now completely lost.

Anyways a simple usage example on the repository would be most useful.

Hmm yeah I can see how working with bevy api gen could be beneficial, I say this a lot in issues on this repo but I am completely re-working the code gen and macro side of this crate, and those fixes would hopefuly make that crate actually usable for consumers, right now it's a bit of a mess, I didn't really expect people to use it in its current state hence no docs.

The re-write I mentioned is now complete, and bevy_api_gen is now a full blown CLI. So this should be addressed. Please re-open if you're not satisfied!