
Default/Reference Build Does Not Generate corelang-0.1.0.jar

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When building the default/reference package in coreLang with mvn clean install the actual code is not compiled, only the tests.

This has been observed on a Linux system(mine) and a Windows system(@simonhacks's). @skatsikeas, who uses a macOS, did generate a jar, but his debug build output also did not compile the java classes for the build, so I suspect that some stale caching played a part.

I have attached my debug build log for the default build:

and the build log for -PsecuriCAD for comparison:

Looking at the default build logs(the one that I included here and the one @skatsikeas provided to me) I can see that the
--- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) @ corelang --- concludes with No sources to compile. Whereas the securiCAD package build log finds the sources files says Changes detected - recompiling the module!, prints out a compilation command(that starts with -d /home/andrew/kth/coreLang/target/classes -classpath /home/andrew/kth/coreLang/target/classes), and concludes with Compiling 80 source files to /home/andrew/kth/coreLang/target/classes.

This translates into an empty target/classes folder in my and @simonhacks's case and the default-jar target triggers the skipIfEmpty check and skips packaging a jar(Skipping packaging of the jar). @skatsikeas, somehow, apparently has the classes in target/classes and a jar is packaged.

icsLang was modified so that it no longer requires the corelang-0.1.0.jar file, just the corelang-0.1.0-source.jar.