
Can this be used on multiple images?

Davidoff80 opened this issue · 4 comments

I am trying to use this script in Slickslider, but it doesn't seem to work correctly on multiple images using the same classname. Any suggestions?

import ImageZoom from "js-image-zoom";

export default class Jsimagezoom {
    constructor(el, options) {
        let _c = options || {
            width: 400,
            zoomWidth: 500,
            offset: { vertical: 0, horizontal: 10 }

        let slides = document.getElementsByClassName("singleproduct");

        for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) {
            new ImageZoom(slides[i], _c);


same issue here, i want apply this for my slider

You shouldn't use for loop, use instead, worked fine for me

My code:

var slider = document.querySelector('.product-slider__big');

    var options = {
        zoomPosition: 'original',
        scale: 1
    function zoom(evt) {
        if("slick-current")) {
            new ImageZoom(, options);
    slider.addEventListener('mouseover', zoom);

When using several images, the class '.js-image-zoom__zoomed-area' is not assigned the left position, how can I fix it?