
How to install the library?

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How can I install the library to a Linux or OSX system?

Hi @AnandN5!

I would reccomend installing SageMath following the instructions from here: Once you have Sage on your system you can open a Sage notebook and import the estimator, e.g.:

% sage
│ SageMath version 9.3, Release Date: 2021-05-09                     │
│ Using Python 3.8.10. Type "help()" for help.                       │
sage: from estimator import *
sage: params = schemes.CHHS_1024_25
sage: params
LWEParameters(n=1024, q=33554432, Xs=D(σ=0.25), Xe=D(σ=3.19), m=+Infinity, tag='CHHS_1024_25')

Alternatively, you can write sage/python files and run them from the command line via e.g. sage

I'm using this library through importlib of Python's standard library like this.

Hi, I'm trying to run this package locally, but I keep running into errors.

I started by running:

pip3 install estimator

Then when I tried to run from estimator import * in my Python file, I got an error that tensorflow was not installed, so I ran

pip3 install tensorflow

But then when I try to run from estimator import *, I get the following error:

AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'clip_by_average_norm'

From some Googling, it seems like this is a version error, and I need tensorflow and tensorflow-estimator version 2.1.0, but I don't think these versions are compatible with Python 3.9. I'm currently trying to set up a conda environment with Python 3.7 (though this is not natively compatible with my M1 Mac), and I'm wondering if there's a simpler way to do all of this? Thank you!

ahhh thank you so much!!! very silly mistake on my part